Not every game is the Reach, and not every game should be.
TR was a very fragmented, sandboxy free-for-all. Not every game aspires to that goal, and especially in a smaller game you won't have the same culture. The standards established there aren't necessarily the best way to run every game.
A major difference from TR is that on KM, the headstaffer is as approachable as any player. She'll give you input and advice, or just plain stop by to chat and make friends. That was my biggest culture shock on Kingsmouth.
There isn't as much sandbox distance as on other games, everything is much more tightly knit.
Here's my recent example. I've just returned from an unexpected two-week, three week long hiatus which protracted to a month of less-than-active play. I'd suddenly gotten a huge project and didn't have time to sleep or eat, let alone come to a mush and explain why I wasn't around. I didn't dare connect, actually, because I knew I'd get pulled into a scene and just could not risk screwing this up. I only let the game know through skype friends and the grapevine, in bursts of "I'm ok! I have RL! I will return!" I just had to say, fuck it, RL takes priority here.
I didn't get freezered or even considered inactive. I think I only managed to post an OOC apology after two weeks, when I managed to get up for air. Yes, in the third week I got an angry mail or two about abandoning a pretty intensive political position, but I still had my territory waiting for me, and everything was fine when I returned. Some things required patching up, and not everything is perfect, but I did /not/ get killed off.
What I'm trying to say is, even if the rule isn't formulated in a lawyer-perfect way, it doesn't mean it will be automatically forced on you. Sure, on TR nobody gives a shit if you're gone. There are too many players to care for any individual one. On Kingsmouth, there's no reason to apply the rule in such a cold, literal way, because it's not that kind of culture.
I see a lot of criticism levied on Kingsmouth which is completely misplaced, because it's a different kind of game in many aspects. There is actual criticism that I could give, that applies to the game from the perspective of someone who's actually playing it. Recently they've taken on some new staffers that I'm not so sure about. Apologies to them if they turn out to be awesome - which is quite possible, and I hope it goes that way.
Anyway, I don't understand the knee-jerk response to something just because it's different. Not every game has to adhere to all the same standards to be good.
Also, from what I've seen, the club13 rule seemed to fizzle out with nothing much coming of it. I haven't seen it applied, maybe I missed it, but I doubt it.