@ghost I still think, as a player, looking to have fun on a game, this is unrealistic.
The paradigm you're describing doesn't take 'am I enjoying any of this at all?' into account even once.
There are, yes, people who are simply miserable unless they're winning all the time and are never willing to 'give', etc. They're roughly as plentiful as the abusers are.
Can all of these assholes. Just boot the fuckers.
Don't punish the people who are willing to give or willing to lose or willing to play fair unduly by making them suffer through tiresome, tedious bullshit that wastes their time and is no fun for them in the name of 'that's what the game rules say should happen because Joe Insufferably Boring rolled that it be so'. If that's what someone wants, they should probably be playing an RPI.
Similarly, don't punish the people who are more than happy to work with the other player to find an outcome that both can live with when the other player 'loses' by banning all such things outright, or those who will take the time to tailor a reasonable scenario toward achieving the goal they have in mind that does not treat the other characters around them like props in their personal story to be steamrolled at will with zero regard for the enjoyment of the other players on the game.
Both of these attitudes are flawed beyond repair, and neither of them will work.
Finally, don't punish the people who don't feel like wasting their time hoping to stumble into something OOC that they'll find enjoyable when the hobby has consistently been moving in the direction of creating means and methods for players to learn more about the other characters around them OOC, in order to best find fellow players with shared interests, with whom they can maximize their enjoyment of the limited time they all have to play the kind of stories they want to be telling. Especially true as in precisely those same spaces, a player has absolute agency to write: "I am only interested in being approached for things IC and through IC means, and am only interested in communicating with your character IC," if that is how they want to play the game and is the way they will have the most fun doing so.