Posts made by surreality
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
We really need a RL Mildly Disgruntled thread. The majority of what I post in this thread isn't really anger so much as eye-twitching annoyance... anyway!
It's been a minor disgruntlement of mine we didn't have one of those, too. Very little raises to the level of straight up anger in my world, but I can peeve-rant over nothing like a champ.
Today's peeve: I don't know if my mother is getting senile, or is just naggier as she gets older.
Actual sequence of events:
7:45am, email, Mom:
i need to get embroidery floss boxes from the store but I don't want to they are expensive when they are not on sale
aren't they always on sale?7:46am, email reply, Me:
I have several dozen from when we swapped out the bead boxes in the garage. You can have them all. Save your money. I'll have Brian bring some to you when he gets home from work to leave in the door so you'll have them by tomorrow morning, if that works?7:50am, email reply, Mom:
sounds good10:30am, email, Mom:
don't forget the floss boxes
did you find them yet?10:40ish, email, Me:
Brian put them in the garage somewhere. He will have to find them when he gets home. They'll be in the door in the morning, no worries!11:15am, phone call:
Mom: We're going to the diner, did you want me to get something takeout to drop off?
Me: Thanks! Sure, just whatever today's soup is, that'd be great, I still have that damn cold.
Mom: Don't forget the floss boxes! Did you find them yet?
Me: I have no idea where in the garage Brian put them, and I'm not battling the monster spiders to check.
Mom: Could you check?
Me . o O ( She did volunteer to bring me free food... ) OK, checking. Yeah, I see the box, but I can't reach it, he'll get them when he gets home, don't stress.
Mom: OK!12:30pm: Mom drops off soup. "Were you able to get any of the floss boxes?" I quietly die inside just a fraction more and thank her for the soup.
1:15pm, email, Mom:
don't forget the floss boxes1:16pm, text, Me to Brian: Please don't be late getting home. Mom's got a wild hair up about those floss boxes.
1:17pm: I spike the shit out of my coffee.
1:20pm, text, Brian to me: She called me already. I told her I'd put them in the door.
1:25pm, text, me to Brian: She... realizes you're not actually in the state right now, right?
1:26pm, text, Brian to me: ¯_(ツ)_/¯
1:30pm, email, Mom:
please don't forget to tell bri about the floss boxes
i need them and they are very important1:32pm, text, me to Bri: BTW we are almost out of vodka.
1:35pm, text, Bri to me: I will put some in your door by morning.
1:40pm, text, me to Bri: I love and hate you right now.
...there were about 5 more emails, and two more phone calls each asking about the floss boxes. My husband insisted we should leave the entire box of dozens of them in her door. (I should have let him.)
RE: The Kitten Army (GIF Heavy)
@templari Oh, dang -- if you can find that version, please post it! I have a soft spot for that one, I do. It's such a cute version of "Mayyyyybe no."
That just makes it so much funnier.
Plus little pudge calico is so adorable it almost hurts.
RE: Period Piece Face vs Modern Face
@ixokai On that, I really dunno.
I've managed to be able to spot 'huh, I wonder if <person> is related to <person>' due to facial similarities pretty often, and been right each time without knowing any names, and some have been out there.
So I can at least confirm: people see things differently, definitely. A lot of folks I worked with in 3D sculpted faces a lot, and you'd see like... 10 versions of a sculpt that were supposed to be some celeb or another and none of them were anything alike untextured. Sometimes any given one had no resemblance to one viewer, while another thought it was dead on, etc.
RE: Period Piece Face vs Modern Face
@ixokai That was just a general addition, since there's an earlier link like that.
Some of the people 'too modern' convert amazingly well.
...and some that are just
RE: Period Piece Face vs Modern Face
There are more of those comparison links, too:
Modern, but there's also this -- in which some people are just better at photoshop than other people really: https://www.pinterest.com/agentdana/celebrities-in-classic-paintings/?lp=true
These are modern and more funny and deliberately anachronistic, but damn, the Miley Cyrus one is amusing:
https://www.boredpanda.com/15-amazing-time-travels-by-the-french-digital-artist-bénédicte-lacroix/ -
RE: Random Thoughts
@auspice This really explains a lot of why they show a lot of centaurs wearing those twin braid hairstyles all of a sudden...
ETA: This conversation == Infinitely more entertaining than the eternal 'do vampires have sex and why' discussion. (PLEASE NOBODY START THAT ONE HERE.)
RE: Period Piece Face vs Modern Face
@ixokai Agreed re: how awesome he works for Western-fu.
There were some film noir suits and such, too, that absolutely worked, but they're less obviously 'costume'. (And the LARP episode was just so damned adorkable, there was no forgetting it.)There's just too much time travel weirdness (and other generalized weirdness) in that show for half the cast to not have appeared in some kind of period dress a lot after, what, over a dozen seasons? (Sometimes to deliberate comedic effect.)
I mean, we supposedly have a Scooby Doo animated ep coming this season. This gives me more joy than I can express before morning coffee.
RE: Period Piece Face vs Modern Face
Yeah, I'm generally not on board with this premise, because the entire career field I trained in exists as a thing.
That said:
...and this last one is supposed to be a shitty makeshift LARP costume, not even anything actually historical, but it still works just fine.Sorry, but the entire field of costume design exists for a reason, and Reign notwithstanding, plenty of people in said field know what they're doing when presented with the raw materials of a modern performer who needs to look like they came from somewhen else.
(Also, you're welcome, @ixokai.)
RE: The Kitten Army (GIF Heavy)
Because owls make things extra cute.
As do silly costumes.
RE: The Kitten Army (GIF Heavy)
Because it is my all time favorite.
...just no.
...a classic. -
RE: Characters You Enjoyed Playing
I pretty much adored my ghoul on Reno1. She was the strangest creature. Down on her luck former socialite/artist, scraping by. But she had manners and knew how to socialize. Her regnant was a suit-averse Bruja.
This combination was hilarious and led to her essentially becoming The Worst Disney Princess Ever.
She learned about Animalism by yelling at the pigeons roosting in her as-yet-renovated loft to 'fuck off', then ran screaming, recoiling in sheer horror.
She once mowed down a zombie with a mini-cooper, which is sort of like monster-murder by Hello! Kitty-mobile.
She felt very, very bad for shooting a bear after forgetting she could just tell the bear to go away. Oops. "Bear? <nudge nudge with point of boot> Bear? Wake up bear... OH GOD I'M A HORRIBLE BEAR MURDERESS!"
Her actual vice was Bitchy. She lived up to it. She was more fun when she knew she could absolutely not under any circumstances live up to it, slowly letting the cattiness build until she'd politely excuse herself and go punch holes in things... like walls. Because she was eventually more or less murder ghoul.
She was great fun when she succeeded at something, but far, far more entertaining when she failed at things, because wow, did she ever fail in spectacularly amusing ways.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@saosmash Yeah, that's why I say I don't think a lot of people showing up in a single spot, regarding a single incident, and a single poster == dogpile (in any reasonable or actionably problematic way).
Sometimes, everybody just calls idiot at once at the same egregiously and transparently idiotic thing. I wouldn't call that dogpiling or even 'an issue', that's just a thing that happens every so often.
For instance, if someone actually did go to a game to troll it and be an ass there, and everybody collectively chimed into the thread to say: "That was shitty, not cool," I don't see an issue there.
There's some grey areas where people try to browbeat opposing opinions or preferences in some Not Cool ways, but that's not the same thing, either.
It's the 'following people around to give them shit over time' that's way less cool, and is definitely bullshit behavior.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@bored I don't think he's exclusively talking about behavior in regard to a mod or this specific situation.
I don't think anybody has any issue with a bunch of people saying, "This, this right here, this sucks a whole lot!"
It's still not cool for a group of posters to follow that person around from thread to thread for weeks, jumping their shit almost any time they post, and it is a thing that happens.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@auspice We could do with more of those. Especially when it's corgis. Because there are never too many corgis. It is non-possible.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@bored The difference would be not multiple people voicing concern on one issue in one place at one time, but of a specific posse following a person around to grief that person regardless or nearly regardless of what they are doing or talking about wherever they are on the forum over time, from what I gather.
Which is absolutely something that has occurred and continues to occur.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@bored said in Regarding administration on MSB:
@wolfs Eh. If it was the first offense, I'd agree with you.
@surreality said in Regarding administration on MSB:
It's worth note that not everyone agrees there's any offense here in the first place. If there was universal agreement on that front, this would be an entirely different conversation.
This is the sequence of conversation you replied to. It follows quite clearly.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@mietze Oh, ffs. That was not addressed to Bored or his comment in any way, shape, or form.
If you want to stretch a generalized expression of frustration to be 'OMG SURREALITY AND HER MONSTROUS SILENCING TACTICS', have at, but it's ridiculous. "I wish this general thing would happen" is not the same as "this must occur due to this specific thing" and you're really reaching to make them equivalent.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@mietze Saying 'this is the second offense' is one thing. Claiming action must be taken based on that statement? That's only reasonable if the initial claim is actual fact. It's not; it's an opinion, and not justification for action any more than any other opinion.
ETA: Also note, I'm not telling Bored to shut up anywhere. I said that if his opinion was an agreed upon fact, the conversation people would be having would be different. That is pretty much the antithesis of telling somebody to shut up.