@salty-secrets That's impossible. Spider never breaks her own toys! I'm sure her ceiling is pristine.
Posts made by surreality
RE: San Francisco.
RE: MU* Gripes and Peeves
@sparks Bonus points if the owlbear decides that the person it wuv-wuv-wuvs the most and absolutely must snuggle is the one that is the most inclined to side-eye it, or is allergic.
Because that's how it always works with housepets, right? (If this happens, please keep us updated. I beg you.)
RE: San Francisco.
@salty-secrets Indeed, the evil empire of harpies has clearly treated them so unfairly. Someone should be kind and lend them a stapler, so they can just staple their hand to their forehead and be done with the effort of having to hold it up there in the grip of the horrible attack of the vapors they're suffering with such pained composure. Such delicate sensibilities can't be expected to endure
an expectation that someone will demonstrate actual reading comprehension before exploding into self pity, a sense of perspective, or a forum in which they have no more power than anyone else speaking at any given timethe likes of us.Sorry. Painkillers. They make me meaner than usual. Holy cats, though, this person is making my eyes roll so hard the migraine it's causing might overpower the stuff so strong I can't walk after I take it, and I'm not even joking.
RE: Open Sheets?
I am a fan of open sheets.
Not necessarily a fan of open secrets; that's more a 'per game' basis.
I think open sheets -- the stats and numbers bit -- are on the whole good for a game.
Depending on the system and setup, however, this could expose character secrets fairly easily. (Only Group B can get that stat, and Character is supposedly Group D, etc.)
I am not incredibly worried about the secrets aspect for any game I would potentially run. This is mostly because I think most people in the hobby these days will tend to use this 'to the good' more often than 'to cheat' -- to create good story rather than cutting someone else's story off at the knees. I admit I may be a horrible idealist on this point, but I would rather boot the bad actors and keep as much information (this includes theme/setting/world 'secrets' generally only known to staff) available for people to use as tools to collaboratively build stories.
That's also just not the kind of game everybody necessarily wants. Some people want a puzzle to solve in the world that they, as players, are solving along with their characters. Which is also cool, and would make the above solution much less viable. It's just ultimately a different style; some players will enjoy both, some will prefer one or the other, and provided the game in question makes their policy/staff decisions in line with the kind of environment they want to create, they'll be fine. (Both of these approaches are something I see as neutral; neither is inherently or objectively good or bad or better or worse.)
RE: San Francisco.
@ganymede No one ever did, is the thing. Other than people on their channel teasing them, and their own imagination.
@salty-secrets said in San Francisco.:
Let's get updates on that tantrum situation, they clearly monitor MSB so they know about this thread already. How they react could save their game's face.
They are obviously way too above people like us to sully themselves by conversing with the "sewing circle of bitches".
I still have my patternmaking shears from college, just sayin'.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@auspice A really unpleasant note is more than warranted. That would be entirely legal! ...and deserved. Richly deserved. I'm pretty sure we'd all be willing to help contribute insults to the cause?
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@auspice Don't touch it.
Like, seriously, there could be a body in it or something.
RE: MU* Gripes and Peeves
@Tinuviel @Auspice ...damn you both, I just choked on my iced coffee.
Now I have to make more coffee.
RE: MU* Gripes and Peeves
@tinuviel ...I will love you forever for that one, in part because I really hoped you'd say that. So, more
RE: MU* Gripes and Peeves
@auspice These are the people who need to play a few rounds of 'fashion student or serial killer' and guess wrong, because either way, they're fucked.
RE: MU* Gripes and Peeves
@hedgehog Truth. People find out way too late that the art room is the lair of the murder moppets.
Focus, we need it.
Music would be bad enough. One wrong note, and we will fucking know, and the record-scratch moment will be visible in that painting/pot/sculpture/carving/whatever forever, and thus the hate will live on forever.
I'm not even joking when I say the combined force of 'whip around and stare daggers at someone' in unplanned unison once drove a duo who just went into the studio to gossip 'in private' (because we were all quiet, see?) out of the room in tears and fear.
ETA: I am so glad I was out of college before everyone had mobile phones. I cannot even imagine the murder rages, I really can't. Especially not in the costume shop, where we were issued The Patternmaking Scissors. Friend of mine was once getting mugged, and had to move his pattern scissors aside to hand the guy the wallet from his bag. Just seeing the pattern scissors sent the mugger running. To this day, I will never forget that, and part of me wonders how many chatty phone-fiends are talking to their therapists about The Patternmaking Scissors.
Additional ETA:
...and about 18 inches long. -
RE: MU* Gripes and Peeves
@hedgehog As someone who spent most of high school and college in such rooms, I can assure you, we would have stabbed anyone practicing an instrument in them, and we had plenty of things to stab them with.
I know this probably doesn't make you feel any better, but it is true.
ETA: Do not ever piss off the people who literally do have a cabinet full of throwing vases that they're already mad about because they came out super lumpy.
RE: San Francisco.
Having read the original comments that were made, I still don't see how Hadraniel came to believe that they were being accused of being VASpider. At all.
The quote they're railing about being so hopelessly out of context and exploding about clearly notes VASpider is someone other than Hadraniel and I can't imagine anyone here reading it any other way. It's clear. Crystal clear.
Saying 'Spider will attempt to get on staff or may already have snuck into the staffcorps' is not accusing Hadraniel of being Spider anywhere at all. It's repeating the well-known habits of Spider; the end.
Hadraniel, since I'm sure you're reading in the grip of your persecution complex at this point, no one suggested you are or were Spider, and your reading comprehension needs serious work. You've managed to make a wretched spectacle of yourself entirely on your own. (No offense intended to the actual Wretched!)
Keep playing the martyr/victim if you want, but your freakout was over the top, makes you look like an idiot, and quite assuredly makes you look substantially worse in a variety of ways than any "fuckface" in the "sewing circle of bitches". Any lumps you're getting now, you've earned. Congrats.
RE: San Francisco.
@valkyrie Here's a whole thread that goes into the chaos with her specifically: http://musoapbox.net/topic/1616/the-vaspider-thread
And here's the photo of the hole in my ceiling:
...it goes through the floor above that, took out a chunk of that ceiling, destroyed the floor beneath it, and flooded the basement. So. Yeah. People are not overstating things.
This comes up for one primary reason: it is very easy for someone to say, "Sure, she's reckless with people's fun and their game stuff, but it's only a game." And they assume she can be taught not to do so.
Sadly, no. She's not just like that on games.
She's like that in the real world, too, and has been for decades. If someone has no qualms about this RL and has made no attempt at redress in over a decade, there's not a chance in hell she'll 'learn not to be like this' on games.
RE: Video Dump
@auspice ...why can't that guy be my neighbor? Strength in numbers, for real. (I'm that neighbor on my block.)
RE: MU* Gripes and Peeves
I wouldn't be comfortable assuming the worst until I talked to the player, or saw some logs that were wincey.
Suspecting something pretty fucked up may be going on, though? Yeah. I'd want to find out one way or the other before making up my mind.
So: insta-grar, no; suspicious brow-raise, yes. I'm generic mutt white girl, so apply whatever measure of salt you feel appropriate.
Admiral's example was one I'd also judge much more quickly as a certified wince-maker without any further data required, as are many of the characters on Shang designed as 'big strong black male gang member stereotype seeks married white blonde to rape, impregnate, and cuckold her husband'. (Have whatever kink you want, I'm still allowed to inwardly wince at it really fucking hard; I avoided these characters like the plague when I played there.)
(Note: I fucked up my back hardcore over the weekend, painkillers are a thing. Volatile surr is potentially volatile despite trying to retain her chill, but is also unable to do neither jack nor shit, so the plan to avoid the forums until tomorrow or Wednesday went the way of the dodo because being unable to do anything else either is boring and watching the news all day would be depressing and even more grumpy-making. This is the official heads-up re: 'may wedge foot in mouth even more than usual, but no offense or grar is actually intended toward anyone whatsoever'.)
RE: DC Heroes MU and OCs...
@bored I mean, we're getting pretty meta, but there's a lot of stuff that's been said that is pretty unambiguous.
People calling people crazy, whoever the random dude was who insisted I had 'brain worms', or the dude who was lying about knowing this laundry list of games (that don't exist) I've been kicked off of (it's never happened once in over 20 years), or whatever -- no, I'm really not going to give those people the benefit of the doubt as to having good intentions, and there's no reason I should, because they don't have good intentions, and it's not even the slightest bit unclear.
There is a much larger grey area that isn't those extremes, though, which is part of what I was getting at with the 'the guy who has to skip eating three days is still going hungry, even if the same term is applied to someone dying of starvation' analogy. Both are appropriate applications of the term, and both matter, but there's a very important and noteworthy difference in degrees. Ganymede's second set of examples -- sports team fans and such -- is much more appropriate to a discussion like this, for instance.
I mean, shit, man. Our argument hit on a number of, 'Dang, if you knew me, you'd know I was kidding/I would never do that/I'm just being silly/I'm not trying to be a jerk... ' notes back when, openly stated at the time. So if anybody's suited to be the poster children for 'people don't always read each other as intended if they don't know each other', well, hi, we're probably prime examples of this. That said, I genuinely don't think either of us wishes ill for the other -- at least I know I don't, and I don't assume you want me crying into my keyboard or jumping off a cliff or dying in a fire or whatever else. We may not have the best opinion of the other after all that, but I doubt there's any real intent to harm going on at all in any discussion we've had, including that one.
Like, I joke about grudgewank, but I have no real grudge at all (and if I did, I wouldn't joke about it, I would simply stew like a grumpy thing that stews a lot over revenge I can never be bothered with in reality; I'm way too fucking Sicilian not to). We're probably never going to be each other's favorite people, but that's not exactly some kind of world-ending horror; life goes on.
Some folks around here, though? Holy shit. You'd think somebody murdered their puppy, because they've gone full John Wick, indiscriminately. Others are just awful to everyone for kicks, and others still have one or more of any combination of Real Problems(tm) that cause them to be... let's just say 'less than the most reasonable, grounded, fact-based, and level-headed' members of the community. Others are in the midst of a period of 'shit happens' and are totally not dealing well, and that one happens to a lot of people; it's probably the most common.
So while 'read for the best and assume good intentions' is, I think, very valid as a standard mode, there are very real and important exceptions. Someone making shit up out of nothing to slander someone doesn't have good intentions, and due to the nature of this hobby, sometimes it's really difficult to discern when this is what's happening, or whether people are communicating badly and talking past each other or misreading one another. There are situations I've been in here that have fallen into both of those categories and I think the same is true for most of us; some things are just plain made up bullshit people are slinging around to be shitty to someone, while others are situations that me and the other party involved have grossly misread.
RE: DC Heroes MU and OCs...
@bored All we've got to work with here is the words on the screen, though, man. Plenty of people don't distinguish between venting and speaking their truth. If you don't know that person well, and are not some kind of super psychic, you're not going to know which is which. And, really, the venting style crap didn't belong in this thread at all, based on where it was originally.
RE: MU* Gripes and Peeves
@oldfrightful ...and I already said it had been cleared up by a previous post explaining this. They obviously wondered where I got that impression, and I told them where I got that impression, which was entirely reasonable based on what was said.
So you can move right the fuck along with that.
RE: MU* Gripes and Peeves
@pyrephox This is a much more useful response, I think, than 'just take it'.