(...and time for today's weird question and quirky explainer.)
There are a lot of attributes in this system. A lot of them. Oodles. There's a reason for that, but it's long-winded as heck and gets into some philosophical weeds I'd rather avoid while trying to get some progress in today.
Like WoD, the typical mundane human scale is 1-5. Non-humans and fancy humans may be able to go higher in some things based on the character type and class, with 8 as a hard cap PC maximum. There's always a trade off, though: higher in something(s) means lower in something else(s). (For instance, if you can go to 7 in something, you can only get to 3 in another, or maybe two other things are limited to 4.)
5 is, obviously, considered exceptional. Anything over 5, amazeballs.
For every level in an attribute someone has at 5 or higher, they get a special perk for free that's uniquely associated with that attribute. So if they have, say, a 6 in intelligence, they'll get two of these perks that they'll be able to pick from a list.
This gets a little into the weeds, but part of the idea behind this is that while many people eventually get to the point that they have fairly high stats sooner or later, everyone still wants to be at least somewhat unique. Being able to pick some perks help customize that high stat's strength and IC interpretation helps people further define their niche, so while two characters may be just as intelligent, there is a notable mechanical way on +sheet that they're intelligent in different ways and potentially likely to remain more distinctive -- which, let's face it, people like, whether it's 'I like my niche' or 'I like being a snowflake', and so on. (Being fairly anal retentively specific on attributes helps this along, too; that's partly why there's a pile of them. Also, the specificity helps narrow down which to use for what, which was often something of a squint-inducing headache to me in WoD, which seemed to generalize a little too much.)
Most of these are fairly low grade perks, or something that the character can pull out of their hat once a week or once a month if it's something more impressive.
The question: is there anything like this out there that you know of that you would recommend I take a look at for reference? (These are something I expect to see a flood of ideas for from folks during beta, honestly, but again, I'd like to get a nice selection of them in there before that.)