@Swaggot said in Making a MU* of your own:
@surreality I hope you realize that the majority of your post is declaring something uninteresting,
No, Rick. I'm sorry that you still seem to be failing at reading comprehension, but no.
"I don't like those concepts." --> valid opinion
I don't give an opinion about whether I like any of those concepts or not. Anywhere.
"Disagreeing with me about what is and is not interesting is 'ridiculously delusional stupidity'." --> ridiculously delusional stupidity
Which might make some sense if... no, actually, there's almost no way that could make sense, so I'm not going to even try to get through your skull.
Let's look at your first objection more closely:
Is this stupid and hopelessly pedantic? Sure. Wanting to use a verb for a name doesn't make somebody more interesting in any way, though, so failure to defend a ridiculous assertion #1.
What is and is not interesting is subjective. Are you deliberately being a cunt, or are you just clinically retarded? This is of non-exclusive or, so you can be both.
I am always a cunt. But if you think a verb in place of a noun is inherently more interesting, my gods, man... you're aiming pretty low for 'interesting'.
(I see how you focus on that rather than the first point, too, which is, "Wow, that's an incredibly stupid rule to have." We'll just overlook that for now and carry on!)
Either of these conditions can be corrected, but the first step in solving any problem is admitting that you have one.
<pat pat> Dear Pot, go find yourself a kettle, this teacup finds you tiresome and unintelligent.
Onto your second:
You're going to have to clarify here
No, I'm not.
Yeah, you kinda are, because you aren't, it seems, telling the whole story. And people who don't tell the whole story are usually trying to hide something that would prove their ranting claims invalid.
The fact that they changed the rules mid-game and acted like I was the one at fault is, in itself, their issue, not mine.
If you didn't keep current on the rules and this was made clear? Yeah, it is your fault. No staff worth its salt is going to say, "Well, we've since banned X, but we'll change that back just so you can have it." Because you're asking for something you're not supposed to have at that point, which makes you an entitled little shit.
No further explanation is needed.
Yes, it really was, as it did sorta prove the point. Just because you want us to ignore it so you can support a claim of horrible wrongs done to you because you're just that interesting doesn't mean anyone with a single lick of sense actually will.
Is your reading comprehension this low that you didn't notice this detail, are you too dumb to understand this fact, or are you deliberately ignoring it in the interest of screeching at me over the Internet?
I love it so much when you ascribe some crazy shrieking tone to me like I'm flailing wildly, screaming at the monitor, and railing at cruel, bitter fate that the guy whose lifelong dream to play EE&E has been crushed has so deeply wounded me.
Again, dear Pot: the teacup finds you in dire need of a mirror. (Or maybe a good therapist to explain 'projection' to you.)
Your third:
It's pretty common.
I've seen maybe one other person do this and I've played Werewolf for a while so, I think you're exaggerating just a wee bit.
And I was werestaff for the better part of a year, played in the spheres online for ages, ran the sphere in a couple of LARPs going back to the 90s. I think maybe, just maybe, I've seen more concepts come and go than you.
How about your last one:
OMG you're still going on about this? Really?
LIKE OMG I CAN'T EVEN is a line of thought that clinically retarded cunts use a lot.
...and it's my reading comprehension that's in question here? <squint> Again, loving all the stuff you ascribe to me! You make me so much more interesting than I actually am! May you live in interesting times, man.
But no, really, I just find it hilarious that you're on like... what, your third or fourth account now to keep fighting a battle over whether or not you were allowed to play a trio of cartoon characters on a pretendy fun time game like it's a serious struggle against oppression. This is like, wayyyyyyyyy beyond the definition of 'first world problem', for real. I would take a dude who got one too few shots of caramel in his Starbucks fluffacchino more seriously than I take this, and for the sake of everyone's mental health, you may want to consider doing the same.
Based on this, I'm leaning toward "both" after reading this. This is a non-argument and basically gives me license to ignore the rest of your post.
You ignored all of it already, save for what you wanted to seize upon to go psycho and persecution complex. Mostly, all the places I was calling you out on your evasions and bullshit. (Which you're now trying to do with more obvious baiting nonsense and ad hominem, because you still can't support your original point that 'people get denied for being too interesting', and on the whole that's sad and boring.)
No, dude. People get denied because they're not playing by the rules. If those rules are not posted? Yes, that is a problem, and they need to fix that problem by posting those rules, and doing so clearly. It doesn't, however, mean the denied party was denied for being too interesting, unless the actual rule is, "We don't want anything interesting on this game."