@Vorpal said in Do you believe in paranormal things?:
Except this was not coming in reply to 'people believe this is real', but 'people believe this might potentially be possible'.
I would say the stance would be close to being the same.
And I still maintain the stances are fundamentally not the same -- and even 'close to being the same' is not what you were claiming a few pages ago -- in a number of important respects that do not only apply in this particular arena.
Even a claim of something that seems possible requires evidence when no documentation really exists.
I am not talking about people standing on the mountaintop and saying, "This exists!" or "This might be possible!" and suggesting others agree with them or whatever proofs or theories they put forward. It is not unreasonable to suggest either party demonstrate some kind of evidence if they want others to agree with them in this case.
It is, however, well past unreasonable to demand someone prove something absolutely exists before they even entertain the notion that it might.
I mean...
By seeing the future before it happens weโre basically saying that we can observe an effect before its cause.
You're basically demanding people act contrary to science here, man. You're saying people need a confirmed conclusion before they're allowed to even wonder about it in the first place. In order for someone to actually fit this thoroughly impossible standard? They would, yes, have to be able to see the future. Which is why I keep calling this out as total crazy talk.
This is essentially what you're insisting people do before they even consider whether something is possible or not on the personal level. I'm not even going to touch the claim that 'wondering whether something is possible or not personally' = 'demanding others believe a thing is true' thing, because... that's just transparently not remotely the same thing at all on any level and I can't believe how much you're trying to justify it being the case at all. And then the whole 'disprove one thing by claiming something entirely unrelated is false' thing, which is also just... this is just bad logic up down and sideways.
There is a reason this is intensely frustrating, and the 'no' side of this debate is not the one being consistently categorized as thinking magic pixies are totally a thing and that they're members of a cult or any number of other deliberately nasty things. I mean, goddamn. Realistically here, our count is 1 solid 'yes!', a handful of 'no!', and a whole lot of 'maybe, I dunno! (with or without 'there is weird shit I have seen, yo')'.
I'm definitely in that last group, and you can keep mocking me as a cultist who believes in magical pixies if you want for thinking, "Hey, that was weird. I wonder what that was. Nope, it's not that, or that, or that, or damn it isn't that either, apparently we don't have a solid explanation for whatever the fuck that was yet. Freaky!"
I'm reasonably certain all of those things will eventually be understood or explained as being, yes, a part of the natural world, even if it falls under that heading of 'not only stranger than we know, but stranger than we can know' today. Maybe it won't happen in my lifetime, but I have little doubt we'll get there eventually.
Basically, I have had three groups of friends who were dead set convinced they were the reincarnations of the Arthurian Court. (Seriously, I totally dare you to even try to count the number of ways in which that's funny.) When told/asked, "OMG, you are so awesome, you must be one of us, who are youuuuuuuuuu?" I cheerfully told them, "Elaine. You know, Lady of Shallott. In fact, I better leave, get back to my loom an' shit, 'cause if I stay out here too long I am clearly going to die." I am still sad no one realized this was an excuse to flee like rabid dogs were yapping at my heels, or why it was also funny. Seriously, that makes me sad. (To be fair, I probably am the only person any of them knew who actually has a loom!)
Conversely, when I was much younger, friends of the family owned a restaurant, in an old mansion that had formerly been a residence (and I think a boarding school). I stayed there multiple times with their daughter, who was a friend of mine. I dismissed her family as a pile of the flakiest cornballs ever when they'd go on about how the place was haunted, etc. Until I spent a handful of years watching weird shit constantly happen there. Do I think there's 'ghosts' there? Not necessarily. I absolutely see how and why they think there were, though, from things I witnessed repeatedly myself, that I certainly can't explain. Does it mean I agree with their assessment? No. It does, however, mean I'm not going to make fun of them for believing what they did after the experiences they've had, because I can absolutely see how they came to those conclusions.