I've honestly had very few experience I'd term out-and-out bad with MU staff, despite doing this off-and-on for 15ish years. This might be because I peace-out on games where I don't trust the administration pretty fast. I realize there are plenty of players who can just play with their friends and ignore the larger game, but I've never been one of them. I feel like cases of outright abuse and cheating are rarer than we often talk like they are (though they certainly happen now and then). Stupidity, bad judgment, and putting your faith in the wrong people because they're your friends? Sure, happens all the time and can be hugely damaging to a game, but at the end of the day that's the price of doing business with human beings. These are story games, and I'm not particularly interested in automating a story, so I'll never get away from dealing with flawed humans if I want to keep playing. I'm very grateful to anyone who takes the time to GM for me and work with me OOC on something, and I hope I generally show that to the folks I play with.
I've staffed off and on in the past and have come to the conclusion I'll probably never do it again, which makes me somewhat sad. But the last time I did, was stunned by how much I just fundamentally did not enjoy it. In a different way than, 'This is a bitch amount of work.' It became draining to log on in a way I'd never really experienced before, even on games where I had a higher work-load. I can call a couple of specific players out as contributors, but at the end of the day it's a me issue and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's age and my tolerance bottoming out. I keep hoping I'll feel differently as more time passes, as there are parts of storytelling and wider story arc construction I miss very much. It's stupidly stressful and involves more cat-herding than it should, but parts of it were very rewarding at its best.