So what you're saying is that you've had your so-called 'come to Jesus moment' and seen the err of your ways and all that? I am curious as to what made you see it now and not back when people here were talking about your behavior. I am curious as to why you were so behavior blind then only to suddenly become aware of how you were acting now. What happened to make you realize that you behaved beyond badly and owed a lot of people an apology?
While an apology is nice, you need to do more than admit you behaved in a shitty manner and say you're sorry. You need to back this all up with actions. Prove to the people you are apologizing to that you've changed. Don't fall back on past behaviors and start acting like that PHB (to use your acronym) that drove people away. Show them that you're striving to be a better version of yourself and that you've grown past all that bat shit, insane behavior you were guilty of. Then move on. Don't belabor it. Let them decide if they want to forgive you and try to rebuild the friendship, or let them walk away if they feel keeping you at arm's length is for the best. And remember... the onus is on you to do the heavy lifting, so to speak. It is up to you to fix things.