I would not mind playing on a game set in Episode II. It was a good movie and not a bad setting for a mush, in my opinion!
Posts made by TiredEwok
RE: Star Wars Republic d20 SAGA - (Prequel Era)
RE: Tips for not wearing out your welcome
@A-B said in Tips for not wearing out your welcome:
And I take it that by "calmly" you mean "pretending to be calm"?
Not to speak for @Cupcake, but in most social things, calmly means rationally and like an adult. You can still feel whatever way you feel about something or whatever, but calmly means you're not flying off the handle, exploding, going off and throwing tantrums, etc.
RE: Tips for not wearing out your welcome
I want to add my two cents on something @Groth said. MU*ing is not a good way to learn social and/or communication skills. Period. Text is horrible for picking up social clues. You can't really grasp intent easily, at all. Sarcasm is a bitch to pick up on, even for people who are adept at social stuff... look. Someone wants to learn social skills? They need to go out into the real world and interact with people who are more than a bunch of typed words on a screen.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
Holy shit. Little Richard is such an icon. His loss will be felt for a very, very long time.
RE: Crossing Animals!
Mine should be upgrading either this Friday or Saturday, I am hoping.
Ewoks Fighting Against Childhood Cancer
Hey, everyone.
This year I am going to be streaming for St Jude Children's Research Hospital, starting on the 25th and going until the end of May. I am hoping to raise $500 dollars, which will help a lot in their on-going efforts to fight childhood cancer and also find a cure. I know that things are tight for a lot of people, so even if you can only help get the word out I would really appreciate it.
The link to donate can be found at https://tiltify.com/@tiredewok/ewoks-fighting-against-childhood-cancer - thank you in advance for any help you might be able to give.
RE: Who Plays Animal Crossing?
Didn't realize someone already started an AC thread, so ignore this.
RE: Crossing Animals!
2038-8534-9021 Name is TiredEwok, so it's easy to tell who I am.
Will add peeps!
ETA: My island's in the process of being decorated, so forgive the virtual mess if you drop by.
Who Plays Animal Crossing?
Heyya, all. Looking for more friends in AC and am hoping to get some more people on my Switch friends list to facilitate that. Feel free to drop y'alls friend code, if you'd like, and I'll send a friend request your way. Thanks.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
Mad Magazine defined a lot of my (admittedly too) young life, it being something I read off and on and enjoyed quite a bit. There was even a time when one of my cousins brought me a huge pile out of his collection, giving them to me so I wouldn't be bored while laid up in bed sick, this being when I was in... second or fourth grade.
RE: A bit of trouble on Firefly
At this point, things are steadily moving past 'very pathetic, but somewhat sadly amusing attempts at bullying' towards 'illegal as fuck stalking/harassing that requires police intervention'.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
@TNP said in Dead Celebrities 2020:
James Lipton
So sad to hear that. I always enjoyed him on Inside The Actor's Studio.
RE: A bit of trouble on Firefly
Of course we're trying to pin motivation to what happens, because it's human nature to want to make something more understandable.
RE: A bit of trouble on Firefly
When you look at it, it's all about ego. They don't give a damn if they're allowed back on the game. They don't fucking care if a ban is lifted. All they care about is the power trip and ego boost harassing people gives them.They cling to the thought that they're powerful enough to make people kowtow to them and grovel, beg them not to do whatever it is they're being threatened with, and when they (the power/ego tripping harassers) aren't given what they want their fragile psyches get hurt.