@tragedyjones said:
I had a guy in my office and hour ago and it still stinks of his cologne.
I always assume they are covering up a smell far far worse.
@tragedyjones said:
I had a guy in my office and hour ago and it still stinks of his cologne.
I always assume they are covering up a smell far far worse.
@ThatGuyThere said:
In college when i cared about relationships enough to lie, I would also refer to the table top sessions as poker night with the guys. Gaming was a deal breaker but weekly gambling was accepted.
I refer to the weekly games as poker night now, for opposite reasons. The people I work with currently do play role-playing games and I have no desire to ever play with them.
I'm guessing the software doesn't fetch ones avatar from gravatar anymore.
Can switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Martin should ring up Brian Sanderson. He'll have the series finished in three months and be halfway through a prequel and sequel by the end of the year.
Voice of Boba Fett, Harry the bartender
I was on a board where the editing became a problem. The problem was certain people who edited the content of their posts to say something completely different, and sometimes days or weeks after the fact. Most people appreciate the function to fix spelling errors or reword things to make themselves better understood. Anyway their solution was to limit editing to a couple hours after posting.
@WTFE This brings back memories. I used to write REXX applications for IBM's TSO.
@Cirno said:
Why... would they do that?
Since when have white people needed a reason to do anything, pal?
Nice segue. /sarc
I've been binge watching "The Man in the High Castle".
Ridley Scott is the best director ever.
The cinematography is awesome. The casting is great.
5 stars *****
Why did you block out that Star of David nipple pastie? >:->
@tragedyjones said:
I get unreasonably nervous when having holiday related small talk. I don't want to offend people by saying Merry Christmas, I don't want to offend them by saying Happy Holidays. And I am horrified of my coworkers learningI am not religious.
I say Merry Christmas and if they express anything negative then I say sorry... Happy Hanukkah then. If they're still upset I say I'm ignorant of any other holiday during this time of year.
I'm a contractor so I learned long ago not to express any opinion on anything not job related unless asked. In most places that's still a good defense against people who get "offended".
@ThatGuyThere said:
You do realize that in the shows they violate this prime directive all the freaking time? Including many times when in dialogue they even admit they are doing it?
I learned from the original Star Trek that the prime directive could always be suspended if there were chicks involved.
@BigDaddyAmin said:
Unfortunately, it won't. This is a clash of cultures, to be honest. The Byzantines faced it and they died out in 1453. At least they took a stand. We won't because we are stupid enough to fight wars for other people who don't have our vested interests at heart but instead keep us supplied with cheap oil to fuel our cars, iPhones, porn, and Fallout 4. Kind of makes Aldous Huxley's "scent organs"and "feelies" look like Family Circus, huh?
The world is powered by oil, and without it Fallout 4 would not be possible.
So we do have strong convictions.... concerning oil [1].
Part of the problem is that we have offered a fair exchange to those who've sold it.
It's what they've decided to spend that wealth on that's the "policy" problem.
[1] Admittedly there are a number of people who think oil is some sort of dirty unwanted substance and haven't the faintest clue of what it is used for beyond filling their automobile tanks.
@BigDaddyAmin said:
But the majority of the Western world isn't living in reality right now, Apu. We lack convictions (at least, my nation does). The majority of the Western world is worried about living comfortably, jerking off to porn, and playing Fallout IV. We will probably just get together, change our Facebook profile pictures to French flag, and vocally condemn these naughty, naughty terrorists. Meanwhile, the explosions will continue.
You might say that the greatest sin is to have convictions.
@WTFE said:
You want fun? Enter CST into the time zone field. It appears some twats somewhere think CST is GMT-6 instead of the proper GMT+8.
Try entering εδΊ¬ζΆι΄ instead.
Unfortunately time zone names are not standardized. They create and remove ones almost every year. And trying to maintain time modules between multiple operating systems is a major pain in the ass.
@faraday said:
@Thenomain Huh, I never even knew width() existed. How does the client communicate the width to the game?
Through the telnet NAWS option.
Edit to add useful link:
Comparison of MUD Clients