I keep talking about doing a sourdough starter, I'm just terrified I am going to forget about my little baby and not feed it
Good luck on yours! Maybe one day I'll gather up the courage to do it too!
I keep talking about doing a sourdough starter, I'm just terrified I am going to forget about my little baby and not feed it
Good luck on yours! Maybe one day I'll gather up the courage to do it too!
@Auspice Congratulations!!!! You deserve this and many many more of your stories being accepted in the future! This is fantastic news
I know it's a boy dragon, but I keep referring to it as Sindragosa and the Night King as the Lich King right now.....
dusts this off
Added some alts to Reno and my newest bit on Fallen World.
GLOW was pretty good. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did, but I love campy 80s fun. It's on Netflix. Go, watch it.
@Auspice When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a wildlife photographer for magazines, like, for instance, National Geographic or whatever. My mother told me that I couldn't do that because I'd be eaten by lions. Exact words. Eaten by lions. So, I decided I wanted to be an intrepid explorer like Indiana Jones, except female, and go into archaeology. NOPE! Yet, again my darling mother once more told me that I'd be eaten by lions or die in some horrific way and that my desire was just awful and I should do something else, something safe and tame.
Clearly, your professor has no idea what the hell they are talking about There are plenty of mothers out there who will discourage and downright trample the dreams/wishes/desires of their children for a myriad of reasons. I'm sorry this person is doing this to you. Your story idea sounds brilliant and for a teacher who is teaching about writing, I'm disappointed they are so narrow-minded.
@Ashen-Shugar Not sure. I haven't watched Supernatural on tv in a long, long time, but it wouldn't surprise me!
Got this one from a friend last night (She knows who she is! :P)
You sold your soul to the Devil some years ago. Today he gives it back and says, "I need a favour."
@Coin I was Ivy Weathers! Didn't realize there was two of them
@cirim13 My favorite little sister!
@Auspice Sierra is awesome! Looking forward to many more scenes in the pack with her
I haven't really played on many games, yet this will span a decent amount of time (decent to me, at any rate!) If you played with me, hope it wasn't a bad experience!
Previous Games
Champions Oriana
Darkspires Cassandra (Wizard), Olivia (Minor Talent), Caitlyn (Shapeshifter), Demetria (Shapeshifter)
Eldritch Ivy Weathers (Wolfblood)
Reno 2.0 Lita (Wolfblood turned Elodoth), Honey (Mortal+), Chloe (Wolfblood), Claire (Ghoul), Cleo (Cahalith)
Fallen World Daniella (Irraka), Zoey (Ithaeur)
Arx Tabitha (2nd player(?) Feb 2018); Appolonia (2nd player, June 2018 - May 2019)
The Descent 2.0 Martina (M+ turned Mehket Vampire; retired), Jessa (Ithaeur)
Marsilikos Noemie
FallCoast Diona (Stricken Geist)
Currently Playing On
Arx Elgana (2nd Player)
Black Jewels series (and I imagine her other works) by Anne Bishop. She even has a blurb on her website about muds/mushes not being something she wants popping up for her books.
digs it up
Q. Is it all right to create role-playing games or MUSHES/MUDS or LARPS based on your work?
A. No. For legal and copyright reasons, I do not grant permission for the worlds and/or characters that I created to be used in role-playing games, MUSHES/MUDS, or LARPS.
Thank you for this. I am trying to teach myself how to make wiki magic and stuff like this really, really helps me out!
Kudos to you on your awesome.
Paper, especially notebooks.
Pens to go with the paper.
Foreign currency
Coffee mugs
Hardbound books
Decks of cards (playing and tarot)
Comic books (more trades than issues these days)
Women Infants Children if I recall correctly.
@Arkandel If you want to go the route of the console, you can always practice a lot against AI groups (there are easy, medium, and hard difficulty and it's you and others against an AI team) until you feel confident to go up against groups of real people. That might help you get a better feel for the controller.
I usually go up against the AI as practice for a new character I want to play so that way I am not freaking out and running around like a headless chicken trying to figure out what my abilities are/do.
I totally understand the comfy chair vs uncomfy chair, though!
I love Torb. He is so much fun to play.
I like to build my turret in a strategic place, upgrade it to 2, and then go off to kill people while my turret blasts them in the face from a distance. A whole lot of fun instead of just turret-sitting all the time, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as I turret-sit on top of the payloads as they move from checkpoint to checkpoint unless I am gathering scrap to make armor, but then it is right back to my turret on the payload to either fix or just enjoy the ride depending on how silly the opposing group is being.
That's pretty awesome, @Admiral! I think 25 on Mei was my best so far.
I think I'm going to try Junkrat next, but I really should do my laundry and go to bed... >.>
I've been trying new characters at the behest of my SO.
So far Mei and Torbjorn are my next favorites. Torbjorn especially since I got his Blackbeard skin and he looks so awesome as a pirate; and I figured out that my mouse scroll wheel controls switching between 1 and 2 for turret upkeep/weapon.
Pffft. I feel like if you are having fun, not being a dick about playing as a team (e.g. not holding the objective, not taking the objective), that it shouldn't matter how you play the character. I probably don't play Pharah 100% to the best of her ability, but as long as I am having fun and not running around like a chicken with its head cut off on the other side of the universe by myself, it's all good.
Ugh. Is it Overwatch time yet?!?!
(edited for typo!)