Yeeeees. My SO teases me because Pharah is all I want to play. I can't help it! Pharah is so much fun for me. I will eventually branch out I'm sure, but the joy that is missiles to the face will never get old for me.

Posts made by Zobi
RE: Overwatch, anyone?
RE: GuildHunter game? (Angels, Vampires)
How many abilities do angels have? Or can have? What will be the limit on that sort of thing? If you've put any thought toward that. Oh, also, will there be any abilities that may be blacklisted?
I find it really interesting how the abilities are tied to the personality of the angel, that is really neat.
RE: GuildHunter game? (Angels, Vampires)
This sound really cool. I might have to move these books to the top of my TBR pile now.... Very much interested in playing in this world.
As for helping, I have no real experience in any sort of game building/running/etc., but I could try to help where able? I'm very much willing to learn things on the fly, or read things, or whatever could help
RE: GuildHunter game? (Angels, Vampires)
I've read her Psy/Changeling series, and this one is somewhere in my giant TBR pile, but this sounds like a pretty cool setting for a game. I'd give it a shot.
RE: Overwatch, anyone?
Pharah has been loads of fun for me!! I think I'm officially addicted to this game......