@stabeest Yeah that has to be one of the hardest parts of the WoW RP-scene, getting into it without feeling like you are missing out on most of what is going on as it isn't so well documented like MU RP is. I got lucky when I first started and was able to get into a newly formed guild with a fresh storyline. It still had its challenges but from there I was able to sort of work my way into things. Horde-side RP has been my favorite, though.
Posts made by Zobi
RE: What drew you to MU*?
RE: What drew you to MU*?
@stabeest I really like RPing on WoW, it took a lot of adjusting but there are so many awesome and helpful people. Did you play Horde or Alliance side?
RE: What drew you to MU*?
I had cut my teeth back in the day RPing on AOL (hi, we may have played together if you were on AOL between '96 and '02 and were active in those chatrooms. Arts and Entertainment ftw?) but eventually stopped due to some real life stuff but managed to play for about roughly 10 years on AIM/gchat with the same person just to get my fix.
It would not last.
Speed up the timeline to about late 2010, early 2011, where I got into RPing on WoW (hi, we may have played together if you were a WoW RPer on Moonguard or Wyrmrest Accord between 2010 - now). It was a challenge to play on an MMO at first but some great add-ons made it easier. Met a lot of super creative and fun people and a small sample size of those who professionally suck the life out of everything they touch.
In 2012, someone tried to drag me into MUs but I resisted pretty hard and did not really venture forth/put effort in until 2014. Been hanging out since! I love telling collaborative stories and meeting new people even if I am shy as heck.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@jibberthehut Watched that last night and really enjoyed it. I had only just recently watched A Quiet Place, which I also enjoyed, so it felt sort of like another spin-off of that but not in a bad way. Both movies are terrifying in their own ways and emotionally gripping. At least for me!
RE: Scissors' Playlist (cuz me too)
@Scissors I'm sad to see you go as Vercyn, I always enjoyed our RP! I play Elgana. I wish nothing but the best for you.
RE: Why did you pick your username?
My best friend kept typo'ing zombie to zobi one night while he was talking about playing Plants VS Zombies, all the while trying to call me a zombie.
I liked it so much I decided to take it and roll with it as a character name on WoW for a fresh rogue I had wanted to roll. It's been my nickname places ever since.
RE: Stardew Valley Multiplayer Beta Now Live!!!!!
Oh my god! Oh my god! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: How to use Potato MU Client
@shincashay I'm glad that I'm not the only one who uses Grammarly and Google docs for spell check >.>
RE: Night People
I'm pretty much just on Arx and FC these days, late nights too because I'm a chronic sufferer of being a night owl.
FC is hard to find RP, but sometimes I manage it. I'm also new here, so I don't really know the grid or people besides those I came in with.
Arx I can typically find some people about until well past when I should be asleep (6a EST >.> ).
RE: Good TV
@surreality I agree about the theme song. The lyrics are fine, but the style of the song is super jarring.
Otherwise, the show (only 1 episode in as we watched it before bedtime last night) seems pretty intriguing.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Not only do users lie, some don't know what equipment they are working with (not all, but there is a good majority who cannot tell the difference between a toaster and their internet modem apparently). So it is really much easier to request the customer walk through the troubleshooting steps with me even if they already did them so that we can make sure they are a) doing it to the right equipment and b) doing it in the right order to ensure it comes up properly.
I understand the frustrations of repeating things, but sometimes it really is for the best and not because we are just trying to waste your time. I really do not want you (the royal 'you') on my phone any longer than you have to be.