Posts made by Zobi
RE: Zobi's Playlist
Snagged Tabitha on Arx. Hopefully, my writer's block is over!!
RE: Creative Outlets
I like to pose what my char is wearing. I adore characters with distinctive styles, but I try to reel myself in. It's hard sometimes.....
That said, I adore making things like play lists, clothing pinterest boards, etc. That'll get me into my character faster than writing a background.
I loathe backgrounds.
RE: The trappings of posing
General spelling/grammar: I won't murder you for typos and as long as I can make sense of what you are doing/what is happening, we are golden. I fully admit to using Grammarly to fix my own poses because I can't trust my fingers and my brain to keep up with each other sometimes.
Pose Length: Varies. I love short, hard, and fast and I love long and super detailed. I guess it really depends on the people/scene. Those who can get me going know who they are. I type pretty quick and definitely try to keep the scene going on my end.
Tempo: I'm patient, so I can wait 10+ minutes between poses if the person is someone I adore RPing with as they might be busy. RL snags me a lot too! I know this isn't the case for most.
Personal Peeves: I.. I am a %t'er and I am so sorry! I didn't realize how much it isn't liked
It is something that was drilled into me by the person who got me started in the hobby and I do not always do it, but I can't help to default to it most times. Otherwise for me? Wiki code tends to throw me off, or it did at first and now I have just adapted to it being there. And accents. Please, no unless something that is subtle and doesn't make me bang my head against my desk trying to decipher your each and every pose. It makes me cringe and want to just ask who hurt you and how can I make it better.
Pose Order: My OCD loves pose order, but I hate it at the same time. I tend to be as flexible as I can because, in the end, I just want to RP and have a good time, and hope those I am in a scene with are having a good time.
RE: Good TV
@surreality Oh my goodness, that's so kind of you. Thank you! Just let me know if you do and we can work out all of the details and stuff
RE: Good TV
@surreality I never realized how cutthroat Mattel was until watching that show. I knew they liked to keep their shit on top because of money, but the things that they did. The people they squeaked out just to stay on top, not giving recognition. Man, to be that guy (I am shit with names) and just literally get himself scrubbed from something he created essentially, jesus. I can't imagine. I felt so bad for his daughter.
I was never lucky enough to own anything made by them as I was swarmed by Barbie dolls as most little girls were, but I loved Jem so much. She appealed to something that Barbie never quite could hit despite her fantastical nature and the similarities between her and Jem. Maybe it was just because she was an option, and options are nice.
RE: Good TV
The Jem part hit me in the gut so hard honestly. The literal glee that woman had on her face when she talked about wrecking them like that. I was like holy shit do not piss this lady off ever
I adored Jem as a little girl. Fuck, I still do. I got the damn theme song stuck in my head the other day for no reason. will never grow up
RE: The Crafting Thread
My mom kids that I am really good at making 'rope' when I crochet because all I can make is a single chain/row/whatever.
Thanks, mom who can craft like a badass.
RE: RL things I love
That kinda makes me think of how numb I am when customers would threaten to sue for x or y reason as a scare tactic. Please, feel free. Sue the company all you want. It doesn't scare me, it just annoys me that you keep talking out of your ass.
On a more positive note, I have bacon. Nice crispy bacon.
RE: Comfort Food...
@mietze I bet those cheese crisp things would work just fine! It's such a good snack. I love pickles so much though. And I am guilty of eating croutons as a snack
Unrelated note:
The only thing I am regretting about my move is the fact I can't find these spicy pickles I love here. And I have been craving spicy pickles! -
RE: Good TV
@lisse24 I'm always late to the party. I probably missed you saying anything about it!! It's definitely one of my favorites right now.
RE: Comfort Food...
Sometimes when I am feeling particularly down I like to chop up a dill pickle throw in some shredded cheese and add some croutons and bacon bits to that mess.
Been doing that since HS. Dunno why that combo works for me, but I love it. Healthy for you? Definitely not.
RE: Good TV
@sockmonkey Thanks for the info! Now the holidays are over I can return to my new normal of binge watching.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
I love my Handbag of Holding. I do not regret the day I finally bit the bullet and purchased it.
RE: Comfort Food...
Mashed potatoes are my ultimate comfort food.
Mac 'n cheese.
Baked curly fries.Carbs. Just give me carbs when I am at my lowest.
RE: Good TV
@cupcake Yeah, I'm behind on s2 of Riverdale. Might just wait to binge it when it hits Netflix as that seems to be my thing these days.
RE: Good TV
I binged all of season one of The Good Place because of Netflix. I need more. Guess I better check if it is on demand or something.
Have I ever mentioned I am seriously bad at binge watching? I am, but I've been able to do so here lately. Binged all of Riverdale s1 (did not expect to love that show...) and now The Good Place. What kind of monster am I becoming?!
RE: Sin-Eater Krewe on Fallcoast
@icanbeyourmuse I am tempted. So very tempted...