I've always wanted to try my hand at sin-eater, but I haven't managed to read the book all the way.

Posts made by Zobi
RE: Sin-Eater Krewe on Fallcoast
RE: Critters!
@faceless Can totally understand that. I've been in a similar boat with a kitty once and it is never fun to see a beloved part of the family struggle.
She was the kitty that was sent to change your mind about kitties. I've seen it happen before, cats have a really strong PR team. Do not resist.
RE: Critters!
@faceless She was too cute to pass up! I mean, uh, obviously a twinner here! Yeah, that's what it is!
Have more Fish kitty!
p.s your kitty was adorable
so sorry for the loss
RE: Critters!
This is my Fish kitty. She is a majestic creature who loves long walks on the beach, plastic bags, string, and blogging.
RE: RL things I love
@bobotron I've been squeeing like a massive fangirl about this since the news broke (heck, I was just happy it was getting more manga in general). Cardcaptor Sakura is one of my all-time absolute faves. I am most excite for this!
RE: RL things I love
@tnp That's a completely fair way of looking at it.
RE: RL things I love
@auspice Pretty much! And sadly, one of the worst ones was my best friend of like... forever. Has made me so sad to feel like that relationship has shifted forever and might even be at an end, but not everyone on your journey makes it with you all the way.
Still sads, but glad nothing is on fire and I am feeling so much better here!! My eye, which was twitching nonstop for months, hasn't twitched since I arrived. I just feel happy. And happy is fucking amazing.
RE: RL things I love
@misadventure I recently upended my entire life by moving to a state where I literally only know the people (and the cat) that came with and one who was already here, a decision which forced me to quit a really great job in the process and leave me in a state of complete unknown (and anxious terror). All people kept asking me was "omg do you have a job?!?!?!" after I got settled in and never, yanno, how I was doing otherwise.
And everything has gone wonderfully well since the move! My world didn't end, nothing is on fire, and now those nosy people have to eat crow. None of them were supportive of me making this decision, at all. Go Team Family?
RE: RL things I love
I really truly love it when all the nosy people in my life just go fuck themselves when things go better than planned for me
Thank you all for fueling my need to prove you asshats wrong all the time!!
Now, go fuck yourselves!
No love.
Me -
RE: Good Music
I'm on this huge synthwave kick lately and all I want to listen to is Scandroid and Gunship. Okay, there are others but these two are my current must-have's.
RE: General Video Game Thread
I got my first legendary drop for this expansion today in WoW. I am finally a happeh kitteh. Figures it would happen after a realm and faction change, though! A guildy got her first shortly after too.
Been a pretty good day for PVP, too. I'll take it.
RE: Good TV
@auspice Aw! That's totally fair. I want to set her 'brother' on fire. So bad. Ugh. He drove me nuts through the entire season.
But Bob the Brain is the best!!
RE: Good TV
@auspice Sean Astin was honestly one of my favorite things about Stranger Things 2. And Max, really like Max.
I need more, so sad I'm done with it
RE: RL things I love
@auspice That would be my problem too!! Make something so pretty and then hoard it away for safe keeping. I do that with a lot of pretty notebooks already
I adore Clairefontaine notebooks. I'm currently on this French ruled paper obsession. I can't get enough of the stuff.
I really want to move away from my disposable fountain pens into a real one, I'm just still doing a lot of research.
JetPens is my life. That site, ugh. I can spend a pretty penny there.... (and I have).
RE: RL things I love
@auspice I wanted a Midori, but then I decided I wanted to be able to have even more control over my TN. I'm still narrowing down some covers on Etsy, but I might get more than one because of moods, but money is a factor as some of them are soooooo expensive. And I keep changing my mind about how I want to handle inserts and what other bells and whistles and frills I need. Ugh, damn you options.
I want to start hand binding books and making things myself, but again, money and time. ;-;
RE: RL things I love
@faceless Do not get me started about traveler's journals, bullet journals, and otherwise planning out all the things... planning out weekly and monthly spreads and charts and goal trackers...
And stickers.
Oh god, I have more stickers and washi tape than one human being probably needs.
And I love it.
Sounds like Mrs. Faceless is an awesome lady to me!
RE: RL Anger
Public restrooms just disturb me, but I swear the ladies at my workplace are the worst.
The. Worst.
There is always one stall that has the entire toilet seat PLASTERED with toilet paper. I mean the entire ring is just covered in a solid coat of the stuff. And they just leave it there for the next person to wander into
AND WE HAVE TOILET SEAT LINERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That we never run out of
just shudders
RE: Introducing... <Spoilers>!
I tried to click on it and it didn't work for me at first. Did a refresh of the browser and it worked after that.
Using Chrome ^-^
RE: The Baking Thread
@Auspice that looks delicious! I have serious bread envy right now....