@Auspice "That they needed to make additional films to patch the gaping plotholes in the first, if this was not designed with the intent to be an ongoing series or trilogy where an expectation of this kind might be set up, it only serves to reinforce this point."
RL Anger
@Meg -- I'm pretty sure this qualifies as "justifiable homicide." I mean, you might wanna check with a lawyer. But I'm pretty sure.
@Meg comforts the Meg
Less than a month from move. I'm almost done packing the non-necessities, so I'm getting fidgety. I have everything lined up (utilities, truck rental, etc.).
...funds are still not fully set in stone though. That's got me anxious. Like, 'panic attacks keeping me up at night anxious.' I'm still working all the angles I can, but I'm not finding answers yet.
I'm fighting hard to be optimistic, but fuck it's hard some days.
Do not stab yourself underneath the fingernail with an embroidery needle. That shit hurts.
So it seems we have combined blaring your car stereo with talking loudly into the bottom of your cellphone: Walking around playing music from your cellphone wherever you are!
I hope this is a trend that ends with a few broke cellphones.
I have learned too late that being an adult is stupidly time-consuming. I mean it; all I'm trying to do is set up a new account on a different cellphone carrier. I've been on the phone for longer than 20 minutes. Because their credit check system is down, I've been on hold for about 10 of that. How on earth do we manage to get anything done? No wonder that the human race can't manage to get off our home planet.
On the positive side, there's no hold music.
edit: After another almost 10 minutes on hold they turned the hold music back on.
One of my assignments in my last class (as mentioned on another thread) was to write a professional quality review of a movie. I rather tore the film apart.
A few of my classmates (as we had to give feedback) replied to say 'Many of your issues with the movie were fixed in the second film if you had watched it.'
Dumbasses, the assignment was not to review a film series, it was to review a film. Singular My review stands.
@Auspice "That they needed to make additional films to patch the gaping plotholes in the first, if this was not designed with the intent to be an ongoing series or trilogy where an expectation of this kind might be set up, it only serves to reinforce this point."
Which movie?
Attack of the Phantom Maxtrix?
Oh, Christ. That piece of shit.
I hope you burned the disk after viewing it.
@Ganymede God I love/hated Sinister.
Like...that epic scene in Nic Cage's 8mm where they don't show what's happening on the snuff film, but they tell the story through watching Nic Cage's reactions...
...Sinister made me do that 3-4 times. It also doesn't help that I have this weird mancrush for Ethan Hawke and his movies.
As far as horror went, it was some pretty good storytelling, though I didnt see Sinister 2. Was that garbage? Its been hanging around in y HBO Go queue and I haven't decided yet whether or not I want to see horrible things happen to Shannon Sossamyn, yet.
@Ganymede God I love/hated Sinister.
Like...that epic scene in Nic Cage's 8mm where they don't show what's happening on the snuff film, but they tell the story through watching Nic Cage's reactions...
I saw 8mm and had to ask my friend for a hug because I felt cold and dead inside. Like, more than usual.
@dontpanda Then pass on Sinister and The Purge, even if Ethan Hawke is in it.
Insidious had never really looked good to me (I still haven't seen Sinister). We were told we had to watch it / write the review.
And my gut instinct was kind of right. If you liked it, hey, that's cool. Everyone's got their thing. It just was not mine. At all.
The first two sentences of my review:
Insidious is a horror film suitable for non-horror fans. The thrills are cheap and easy to spot. -
My short review of Insidious:
The first half of the movie is what you come for. The script is solid, the performances good, and the material interesting. Watching a family struggle with the haunting of a child is harrowing, and Byrne and Wilson play fine in the roles of the concerned, scared parents.
But, as usual, Hollywood tries to tie up what never needs to be tied. Dread is a funny feeling, one that Hollywood seems doomed to never understand. Effective horror movies make you wonder; they don't come to a conclusion. And that's why the second half fails utterly.
About the only frightening thing in the second half is realizing that the villain is really Darth Maul with goat legs, which reminds you have how terrifying Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was. It's like remembering how badly your childhood memories were hobbled and raped by Lucas' horrid inability to create dialogue, names, dialects, and interesting situations. And then, like in this movie, you wake up, shivering, wondering what the fuck happened and why you're missing enough money to get you a passable meal at the local Texas Roadhouse.
I can write these all night.