@Lain No, definitely not -- but if someone doesn't believe in what they're doing, 'it's just what you do when you're 15' is the worst of all possible reasons to use to try to convince someone.
RL Anger
@Lithium said in RL Anger:
@Lithium Abrahamic religions are not terribly peaceful, broadly speaking, given even a bad reading of history. I don't mean to insult you on this one, but I'm just saying; Islam is not a religion of peace any more than Christianity is. There's a reason why the Islamic world, broadly, and the Christian world, broadly, haven't exactly gotten along this past thirteen or so hundred years.As for methods of controlling others, how do you feel about private companies censoring their political opponents in the interest of controlling the political narrative? That's a "way to try and enforce control over others."
@Lain Confirmation, the ritual, is a statement of full belief in the dogma and a life-long promise to follow the tenets of the faith.
Content of said rite of passage is relevant. If that rite of passage essentially means 'I agree to be a lying pretender for the rest of my life' if you go through with it, well, no. Not doing that.
@surreality I'm not saying you're bad. I'm just not saying they're bad for having the ritual, either.
@Lain No, definitely not -- but if someone doesn't believe in what they're doing, 'it's just what you do when you're 15' is the worst of all possible reasons to use to try to convince someone.
Does everyone get random Iraqi dudes trying to friend them on FB? Like is that the norm?
Does everyone get random Iraqi dudes trying to friend them on FB? Like is that the norm?
Not me. Maybe for women?
I know a lot of women down here who get friend requests from Iraqis, Algerians, Saudi Arabians, etc. a lot; but then there's also the Europeans, too. It can get crazy.
@Lain You are welcome to your opinion but you are taking into the accounts the actions of /People/ who have decided to interpret those rules in a way that is violent, aggressive, or judgemental.
That is the problem, as I see it.
It is also why I am decided anti-religion in general. At one time the tenet to not eat Pork, for example, was a life saving measure because of parasites and our lack of clean butchering. People who ate pork tended to get sick, some died, so it was a good idea to not eat pork at that time.
Today... it's an old rule that doesn't have much real impact on the health of the populace.
@Lithium Weirdly, after hearing about some of the village conditions in parts of the world, I can understand some local sects still adhering to the pork thing. If it's real third world conditions, this is a problem -- just one we haven't had to worry about much or think about in years in first world nations.
Does everyone get random Iraqi dudes trying to friend them on FB? Like is that the norm?
Not me. Maybe for women?
I know a lot of women down here who get friend requests from Iraqis, Algerians, Saudi Arabians, etc. a lot; but then there's also the Europeans, too. It can get crazy.
So maybe it's being female that does it. 'Cause it's mostly Iraqi, but there's been other Middle Eastern profiles, too. Really frequently. o.O
@Lithium I'm pretty anti-religion, too. I'd go as far as to say that I'm anti-thought policing in general. Which is why I raise the question of if this line of thought extends to political ideology. Should we be policing people's political views?
Should we be policing people's political views?
Oh god yes please. "Your political view is without merit and based on nothing more than what you were told to believe. You are out of the voting pool until you can show a minimum national standard of independent thought."
I am obviously kidding but wishing that I didn't have to.
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
Should we be policing people's political views?
Oh god yes please. "Your political view is without merit and based on nothing more than what you were told to believe. You are out of the voting pool until you can show a minimum national standard of independent thought."
I am obviously kidding but wishing that I didn't have to.
"You have expressed views that contradict my party's line. Your voter license application has been denied. Also your employer, university, and landlord have been informed of your wrongthink."
The great whopping 'fuck you' with two birds flying re: ideological purity tests that are so gallingly common in political life in the US right now are one of the reasons I'm registered Independent and am very comfortable there.
<insert 'stereotypical libra' joke that functions on multiple levels here>
@surreality I switch my major party affiliation based on which primary I want to vote in. Right now I'm registered as a Republican largely on the basis that their primaries appear less rigged. Maybe I'll jump ships again in 2020.
Everytime people start talking about policing other people, I wonder when the next Spanish Flu will hit, and hope it hits three days sooner.
American Christians and Mormons are on the move. They're claiming eminent domain, using tax-free donations to run profit empires, and actively lobbying for the promotion of their own faith as a social standard above the views and beliefs of other cultures and religions.
Wait. Who's using eminent domain? Because it's not the church. It's not any church.
It's the government. The government being corrupted by the church.
I'm Catholic, by the by. Our Pope is a pretty good one right now. It's the dude who washes people's feet now, not the ex-Nazi.
@Ganymede I agree. As a former practicing Catholic I'm a fan of Pope Francis and think he's a shining example of what the faith should expect in a Pope.
I was particularly fond of his decision to turn down bullet-proof glass and the Popemobile because he wanted to walk amongst the people in the favelas of Brazil, and if it was God's expectation that he be assassinated, then that was God's will.
That's fucking faith.
And yes, there are members of the church, as well as stakeholders in Grand Canyon University, tied to the local Phoenix government. It's the Phoenix government who granted the eminent domain of the poor, low-income housing to provide inexpensive land for GCU to be built.
My accusation is that this doesn't happen without GCU being well aware that low income housing (and thus, low income people) aren't being displaced to build their for-profit school.
Christian. Affordable. -
And yes, there are members of the church, as well as stakeholders in Grand Canyon University, tied to the local Phoenix government. It's the Phoenix government who granted the eminent domain of the poor, low-income housing to provide inexpensive land for GCU to be built.
I don't know of any Catholic pastors who serve as members of local government. At least, not around my parts.
I went to a private, Catholic university for law school. It was run by Marianists. Even in the wake of the War in Afghanistan, the campus had a sizeable population of Muslims who regularly prayed in the central square in the afternoon.
Christians do a lot of disgusting things. Very offensive things. But many of the people Cajun Navy are Christian. I've found that, for every soul-crushing asshole that twists the Bible and the gullible, there are two decent Christians that are as welcoming as you could possibly imagine.
Even over here in Trump Central (according to Dave Chappelle), I know far more good Christians that love their LGBTQ friends and acquaintances, and abhor the Westboro Baptists and neo-Nazis.
As for eminent domain, it's one of the few things I split from many conservatives on.
"You have expressed views that contradict my party's line. Your voter license application has been denied. Also your employer, university, and landlord have been informed of your wrongthink."
Yes, all power can be abused.
... I'm not sure what else to derive here.
Let's get back to RL Ang--oh dammit, Harvey, go away.