@Ghost said in RL Anger:
And yes, there are members of the church, as well as stakeholders in Grand Canyon University, tied to the local Phoenix government. It's the Phoenix government who granted the eminent domain of the poor, low-income housing to provide inexpensive land for GCU to be built.
I don't know of any Catholic pastors who serve as members of local government. At least, not around my parts.
I went to a private, Catholic university for law school. It was run by Marianists. Even in the wake of the War in Afghanistan, the campus had a sizeable population of Muslims who regularly prayed in the central square in the afternoon.
Christians do a lot of disgusting things. Very offensive things. But many of the people Cajun Navy are Christian. I've found that, for every soul-crushing asshole that twists the Bible and the gullible, there are two decent Christians that are as welcoming as you could possibly imagine.
Even over here in Trump Central (according to Dave Chappelle), I know far more good Christians that love their LGBTQ friends and acquaintances, and abhor the Westboro Baptists and neo-Nazis.
As for eminent domain, it's one of the few things I split from many conservatives on.