Sep 15, 2017, 12:32 AM

@Ganymede said in RL Anger:

The problem wasn't that there were dietary restrictions or preferences. The problem was that they were increasingly specific. "I can only eat wheat-free (gluten-free wasn't a thing back then), dairy-free, tomato-free, but not vegan -- I like my meat." "I can only eat vegan, tomato-free, but not wheat-free because wheat-free crusts are of the Devil." "I can only eat <insert laundry list of increasingly bizarre requirements>."

It's fucking free food, not civil rights.

Preaching to the choir here, girl.

I'm allergic to fucking nuts and legumes, but you don't see me being a bitch about motherfuckers who insist on bringing hummus and pecan pie in.

And were I stupid enough to be part of the group that is arranging food, your legume allergy would be taken into account because, as I said, it kind of sucks being left out of a group activity because, in effect, you're sick.

On the other hand I would guess you're not that kind of a shithead that would see the effort we'd put in to including you and then shitting on us because it wasn't the specific kind of legume-free food you wanted.

"Oh, but I'm vegan, so if you don't provide me with an option, I'll feel left out."

You fucking left out meat and dairy products voluntarily, so go fuck that noise. You don't fit in at a Burger King, but I don't see you whining to them.

Yeah, the more militant branches of vegetarianism start collecting a hefty "fuck you" from me because it is pure choice. Interestingly they also tend to be the loudest of the whiners when it comes to their tastes not being catered to. And let's face it, vegan pizzas at their absolute best fucking suck. If you're whining about how your vegan pizza is terrible ... well, fucking duh! You've deliberately selected a dietary choice that gives you crusts that suck, "cheese" that sucks, and toppings that suck. Get used to suction.


So much, in fact, that the company dropped the pizza lunches. So much, in fact, that if I'm ever in a position to make the decision, free food will simply not happen.