@WTFE said in RL things I love:
This shouldn't stop you from sending it to me anyway.
Too bad.
Is mine.
All mine.
@WTFE said in RL things I love:
This shouldn't stop you from sending it to me anyway.
Too bad.
Is mine.
All mine.
RL things I love.
You know, I never just linked to this website and said "have at it": https://boardgamegeek.com
Our group's new hotness is Century: Spice Road:
As a warning, tho, BGG is a 'fun' place to find a festering cesspool of the sort of guys who think gaming should be for men and only for men.
So, ymmv if you delve into discussions and are a woman.
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
As a warning, tho, BGG is a 'fun' place to find a festering cesspool of the sort of guys who think gaming should be for men and only for men.
So, ymmv if you delve into discussions and are a woman.
Oh hell no, not the discussions, just the games.
So many games.
(edit) Though I haven't gone to the forums for anything more than rules clarifications. The people who run the site are all incredibly nice at cons, and I assume they're nice in general but hey, you never know.
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
As a warning, tho, BGG is a 'fun' place to find a festering cesspool of the sort of guys who think gaming should be for men and only for men.
Unsurprisingly, I heard that their speed-dating meetings are a veritable sausage party.
Look out, ladies!
I know I'm kind of begging it with the 'him' thing as if a female would have never even considered playing one of the old Avalon Hill wargames and maybe lacks the basic brain power?
As a kid I found the people playing the games to be a bit biased in that only adult men with an encyclopedic knowledge of the historical period were fit to play these mighty games. Which is partially why the hex n' counter hobby is so stagnant. The 'grognards' seemed pretty content to alienate everyone and treat them as if they lacked basic brain power to play their games.
I think some of these players with that mindset likely haunt the BGG forums and are probably still as vocal as they were then. I'm bitter towards them because they were such arrogant creeps towards me when I was younger and interested in these games. I occasionally get someone to sit down with me to play these dusty games I'm picking up on Ebay but overall I think they really damaged the potential player pool with their arrogance decades ago so there was never any new blood.
Sorry, personal rant over.
The biggest issue now with Avalon Hill is 'do you have the hours in the day.' So many of their games take so damn long to play.
Is it okay to admit that I find myself oddly missing the Spice Girls lately?
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
The biggest issue now with Avalon Hill is 'do you have the hours in the day.' So many of their games take so damn long to play.
That is why tablets exist you record what units are in what hex, etc and make sure everything that needs to be is noted and then finish playing next time. It's like saving a game with out the technology.
Note: By tablets I meant the paper kind, I often forget the other kind exist as i did in this post.
@Auspice Completely, I feel kind of robbed that when I had the time the people that knew how to play and had the time were too good to teach or even be an opponent. I'll admit I really prefer playing the miniatures game Dragon Rampant these days as it only takes about two hours and is more focused on fun and gaming than pretending you're some grand tactician.
I guess I'm not much better than the grognards though. I'll teach or play with anyone but if they're abrasive, misogynist, or a Nazi fetishist living out the dream through moving cardboard counters I'm not going to do a repeat game as I'm just not so generous with my time that I'm going to spend 4-6 hours with someone like that regardless of the gaming community. But I would never turn my nose up at someone just because of their age or gender.
Seems ideal to play online where the system remembers everything, does fog of war, and you can wait til you are notified the other player has done their actions.
There's VASSAL for most of the games. I tried it out ages ago but it was still in its infancy and opponents were hard to come by. I suppose I could try to get into the community but it kind of goes back to Auspice's comparison to a festering etc.
@TwoGunBob Same players so yeah, random pick is not so hot, but maybe you could find more casual players, and make a confederation. Have Yelp write ups of behavior.
I don't know if I should put this in love or anger!!
My new work laptop got here today. The box is open, things have been taken out, it is READY FOR GO!
My coworker made Pho.
I have to eat my Pho before I can play with my laptop.
Edited to add: omg it is so tasty.
My summer in San Francisco in 2003 made me hate ramen so much that I didn't go near it for a long, long time. I'd touch it out of necessity only. No amount of 'doctoring' in various ways, for years, were enough to overcome that hatred.
But in the past year, I've found the method that works for me. I enjoy ramen now. I know how I, personally, like to make it at home. It's comfort food. I actually have it a couple nights a week, at least. It's cheap, it's easy, it's filling, and makes me happy.
Ramen is so greasy. SO GREASY. I do like the 'vegetarian' versions, though. Yum... Pho, too.
@Sunny said in RL things I love:
I have to eat my Pho before I can play with my laptop.
Edited to add: omg it is so tasty.
Pho is one of my favorite things now. There's a place near where I live called 'Wat Da Pho'. I go there twice a week.
@Ganymede I love all of the catchy Pho place names around here, like "UnPHOGettable"
@Ganymede said in RL things I love:
@Sunny said in RL things I love:
I have to eat my Pho before I can play with my laptop.
Edited to add: omg it is so tasty.
Pho is one of my favorite things now. There's a place near where I live called 'Wat Da Pho'. I go there twice a week.
Take me out for pho and drinks, Gany