@ganymede said in Armageddon MUD:
@rahnevyn said in Armageddon MUD:No IC mistakes are required in order for bad things to happen to your character. Typically though, if you wind up mugged or murdered, your "mistake" was that you trusted the wrong person or wandered into an area that your character was probably not cut out to be in.
But see, that's exactly the sort of thing that a character that lived in a city for any length of time would know, ICly, that his player, OOCly, did not know. But.. read below...
@ganymede said in Armageddon MUD:
MUSH player tend to eschew this sort of mentality, though. If I wanted to play this sort of game, I'd pick up Dark Souls, as I said before, or maybe go plug away at some PvP MMORPG or something.
It's funny, because my first MUSH/MUX experience was Shadowrun: Seattle. Within a couple of hours, I wandered into the Redmond Barrens, exploring as I would have a MUD.
Wanting to meet new people, though, I stopped when I saw a couple of people on a street corner. I'd read a bit about posing, and decided to give it a try. Striding right down the middle of the street, bold as can be. In Rusted Stilettos territory. After my pose, I OOC'd something to the effect of, "Hi guys! I'm brand new to MUSHing! Want to play?"
Suffice to say, my character got rolled. The gangers beat him up, took his paper nuyen, and left him in the gutter.
But the -players- had mercy. They posed looking at my gear and saying, "Man, this guy's got drek for gear. Not sure if we'd be doing him more of a favor getting rid of it, or teach him a lesson by letting him keep it."
In the end, they let me keep it.
All the while, during the scene, we were really having fun. I was learning the game, the setting, and the system. The people were OOCly being -extremely- helpful, all the while explaining that I was in gang turf, and where I should avoid going alone, etc.
At the end of the scene, both of the other characters gave me a +nom. This was on a time when you got 2 +noms per week, and each was worth 1 full karma, so they were pretty precious.
TL;DR: You can teach people about how gritty and dark the game is in a way that leaves them excited, or despondent. Despondent people leave, and don't come back. Excited people stick around.
Armageddon has -clearly- left people with a despondent feeling. Despite anything anyone says about "It's not like that anymore..." damage has been done. And the more you contradict yourself defending Armageddon, the less people are going to believe it. Really, ya'll are shooting yourself in the foot by defending, instead of saying, "Sorry you had that experience. If anyone wants to give it a try, contact me, and I'll make sure that experience isn't repeated, by being your guide."