@cupcake said in RL Anger:
My paternal brothers are blue collar guys who love Jesus and drive trucks and work with their hands and aren't what you'd call readers and probably voted for Trump. And I know that makes me sound like an elitist intellectual snob. TI don't have patience for their lack of critical thinking a lot of the time, and it shows. As much as I'd like to visit them, I feel like it's going to take enormous self-control to do so.
It might. I want to make it clear that I'm not criticizing you or your choice, though. They're your family, and your business.
But I, like Tinuviel and Coin, just don't buy into the whole "but they are family!" line. I don't really give a fuck if they are. Once you're an adult and you have lost my respect, you ain't going to give it back because we are related; if anything, you're going to have to work harder for my respect because, brother, I know you aren't stupid by birth.
I think my family has been very successful because they are unflinchingly critical of one another. Some people would call it abusive. I prefer to think of it as Solaris VII. My immediate family are some of the strongest, most successful people I know, and we love each other well enough despite our criticisms, but none of our foibles are flat-out stupidity, or harmful to others. So, we may treat each other like shit, but that's just us.