@coin It can go the other way too. Having de facto allies on your side who will always be there no matter what counts for something.
RL Anger
@mr-johnson My security desk, people entering the building from all sides have a clear view of the back of my head and the security monitors before I ever see them.
So secure.
@admiral It's like these people don't understand the point of a damn security office. Seriously guys it's not that hard to make a room that's at least mostly secure. All you have to do is TRY.
You're actually just a receptionist.
Sorry, guys. They forgot to tell you.
They repurposed receptionist as a security guard to make people feel better in this post-9/11 world.
@admiral This may also be a poorly designed attempt at letting people that enter the building know they are being watched. It is a proven deterrent.. but works better when they aren't walking to the back of your head too.
I love my paternal brothers, I really do, but I lose patients with how, well, stupid they are.
Like the kind of stupid that posts alleged "facts" on FB without checking to see if it's true, and then gets all "everyone's entitled to their opinion" and NO, because "facts" are either true or they're not, they're not something you get to have an opinion about and did you even graduate high school? I love you, but I kind of want to kick you in the head, bro.
@tinuviel Maybe, but I think we can all get behind the notion that if you're going to post something saying Somebody Did Something, you'd best have the proof to back it up.
I love my paternal brothers, I really do, but I lose patients with how, well, stupid they are.
I don't love stupid people.
And I don't like it when people tell me I have to love someone because they are family.
I figure, once I was legally considered an adult I had the ability to pick and choose who I decide to associate with, am friends with, or love. And my criteria is pretty simple.
I'll be the first to tell you if I'm unsure of something, but when I'm pretty sure I'm right I will stop listening and do my own research to confirm or deny my suspicions. If you keep nattering at me, I will throat-punch you, and stop caring about you.
I deal with people's shit every day. I don't need any extra stupid in my life.
To hell with that shit.
@ganymede I would never tell anyone that they have to love someone because they are family. That is absolutely bullshit.
But I do love my brothers from both parents. I have even cut one of them out of my life almost entirely because of things he has said to me that were grossly misogynistic. I don'tI have to accept their beliefs, attitudes, political alignments, etc. But that's me. And this is definitely not me telling anyone else how to related to their families.
Oh, not you, no. Don't worry about that. But I have been told by family, many times, that I should love someone because they are family.
Fuck that shit.
I love someone because I enjoy their company, I empathize with them, commiserate with them, and so on. I don't love someone if I find them misogynistic, ignorant, unnecessarily combative, or, worse, abjectly stupid.
Family isn't by choice. Stupidity is. Ain't got no time for dat.
@ganymede Whenever someone raises the 'because they're family' argument I can't help but wonder just how far back in one's family tree one has to go before "okay they're not really family" rears its head. I've got plenty of horrible people in my near-ish-kinda lineage. Do I still have to love them, by the 'family so love' argument?
@ganymede My paternal brothers are blue collar guys who love Jesus and drive trucks and work with their hands and aren't what you'd call readers and probably voted for Trump. And I know that makes me sound like an elitist intellectual snob. TI don't have patience for their lack of critical thinking a lot of the time, and it shows. As much as I'd like to visit them, I feel like it's going to take enormous self-control to do so.
Family is the worst--they're in your life from the start and have access to tools with which to betray you that you wouldn't give anyone by choice.
Fuck that.
@coin It can go the other way too. Having de facto allies on your side who will always be there no matter what counts for something.
My paternal brothers are blue collar guys who love Jesus and drive trucks and work with their hands and aren't what you'd call readers and probably voted for Trump. And I know that makes me sound like an elitist intellectual snob. TI don't have patience for their lack of critical thinking a lot of the time, and it shows. As much as I'd like to visit them, I feel like it's going to take enormous self-control to do so.
It might. I want to make it clear that I'm not criticizing you or your choice, though. They're your family, and your business.
But I, like Tinuviel and Coin, just don't buy into the whole "but they are family!" line. I don't really give a fuck if they are. Once you're an adult and you have lost my respect, you ain't going to give it back because we are related; if anything, you're going to have to work harder for my respect because, brother, I know you aren't stupid by birth.
I think my family has been very successful because they are unflinchingly critical of one another. Some people would call it abusive. I prefer to think of it as Solaris VII. My immediate family are some of the strongest, most successful people I know, and we love each other well enough despite our criticisms, but none of our foibles are flat-out stupidity, or harmful to others. So, we may treat each other like shit, but that's just us.
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
I haven't talked to my sister in almost a year because of an incident involving a haircut appointment.
I don't miss her.
@admiral said in RL Anger:
I haven't talked to my sister in almost a year because of an incident involving a haircut appointment.
I don't miss her.
...I don't know if I really want to know what haircut-related shenanigans could lead to severing familial ties, or if I'd rather leave that to my imagination.
I got haircuts from her monthly. I live five hours away, so I would drive down to visit the family. And my first main stop would be to get my hair cut. I was always exhausted, but I made do.
So, every single time I would drive down she would bump my appointments back. I would wait 30+ minutes for my haircut. She figured that since I was family, I wouldn't mind waiting and she could make more money by squeezing people in. Keep in mind, here, that I was paying 30 dollars per haircut (higher than her usual rate) -and- taking the entire family out to dinner afterwards.
So, after being pushed back four-five times in a row, I show up for my haircut. She pushes me back -again-. But this time... it's for a color and cut job. And as anyone who has had their hair colored knows... this can be time consuming. She wanted me to wait until she was done, not even wanting to cut my hair in the downtime of the color job. Because she knew if she could make me wait I'd take everyone out to dinner. She even had the nerve to say 'Hey go get me a drink from Sonic'. I was exhausted. I had just driven for hours and hours. It's tiring.
...so I told her I wouldn't be using her services anymore. I left a bad review on Facebook then I drove straight back home. Another five hour trip. I was so tired and upset I nearly got myself killed on the drive multiple times from shaky nerves/exhaustion. But, since they previously had nothing but five-star reviews they bought from people, so my review took them from 5.0 to 4.9. My family cut me off for months. It took about 4 months for my mother/stepfather to talk to me again. And I still haven't talked to my sister.
All over a haircut.