Apr 15, 2018, 6:03 PM


My company avoids raises by having wage transparency.....for everyone below Project Manager status. So team leads, tier two types, employee, contractor... All wage transparency.

Thus: "we don't see the need for raises when there's wage transparency!"

Everyone else? "Salary dependent on experience"

And if the way below market or cost of living wages comes up in the office, management will laugh and go "we barely make enough to live either!

Except almost every single one of them have taken roughly 2-3 weeks of paid time off each since October. No one who isn't salary gets even paid sick leave. Don't work? Don't get paid. Sick? You'll get forced to stay home (so that the office doesn't get sick). I mean sure, no one wants to be sick. But I kind of like being able to pay my bills and affording groceries, which I can't unless I work every single hour and beg for the occasional overtime.

The company has been around 10 years. I've been with them for 7. The furthest I've made it is team lead.

I've never gotten any recognition. Never a bonus. Never any acknowledgement but verbal from my project managers. I've never had any disciplinary action taken against me.

Most companies, after 7 years, you're getting time in service raises, an extra week of vacation, etc.

I have nothing.

When I got asked, after my interview on Friday, if I need to give a full 2 weeks because they're starting their next class on the 23rd (if they decide to hire me)... I thought for a moment (because I usually do) and finally decided: No. No I don't.

After all... TX is a right to work state and my current job has done absolutely nothing to earn my loyalty. My current project just lost two people. After cutting hours and letting people go. My PM is panicking over filling those hours.

I am more than ready to hit them where it hurts. I am the only person closing that office five nights a week.

Fucking bring it.