@thenomain said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@tyche said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Origins Game Fair event registration. How can you screw this up 4 years in a row?
I think you're being considerate if you're only blaming the last four years.
The new low bar for GAMA to do better than is: Will the line for early registration pickup be 2 hours long again?
Or: Will the executive of Origins once again decree that you cannot get your money back for canceled events?
If I didn't live here, there would be absolutely no question if I'd rather go to Origins or GenCon. Origins is absolutely the Uber of the con scene: Bigger than it should be considering the way they treat the workers and also the customers.
The first year I went to GenCon was eye opening by way of Cons and how they should run.
I have no want nor interest to go to most any others nowadays. I did check out ECCC while in Seattle and it was fun to wander for the day, but by and far, GenCon is my bar. I have zero desire to go to DragonCon, for example. I went to Otakon a few times when I lived in MD because it was there (like you and Origins), but GenCon...
Even GenCon's dealer room is laid out amazingly well. It never set off me and my crowd anxiety issues once. I didn't sign up for events and just got the 'general' passes and still was able to attend and enjoy myself because they make registration so easy. It was just a fun experience all around and every year since (because living in Cincinnati made it vastly more affordable to go) I've been sad I can't afford to attend.
If you're a gamer and can afford GC, I totally and completely recommend it. Even if you have anxiety / crowd issues (and I have them pretty intensely), it's a really, really well done con. I
GenCon so much.