I have no problem setting up a wiki for people to post games live or dead categorized as such, and maintain a list of 'this is me and who I have been throughout the ages' stuff on their user pages if they want to that can be cross-linked to the games pretty easily to auto-populate and yadda yadda yadda.
Maintaining something like that is not problematic barring a basic 'only edit your own shit' ground rules on user pages, and a 'just the facts of a generic listing, keep the commentary and arguments on the forum' approach to the game listings. It's actually be less of a pain than all of the above to do and it's not like there are any judgment calls required there, so I'd have no issue doing that. <shrug>
The sticky wicket is getting our accounts here to work there. That is beyond my ken by several miles. Good luck with that. Supposedly it can be done, but I'm not going to pretend I even know where to start looking at the how.