Further, both as a gripe and an illustration, of which I don't believe I've brought up here before, I was accosted on the Strip a small while back.
I was surrounded by many of the world's prettiest men and woman, folks in beautiful dresses and trousers and coats, all able-bodied and semi-drunk and having a great time. I, meanwhile, since I live here, was dressed in nice but non-party clothes and stone-cold sober.
I was also in my wheelchair, presenting an ambiguous gender-- some people assume from the back that I'm a man, others a woman. IE, not necessarily someone who would stand out as amazingly hot attention magnet, right?
This guy walks right up behind me and starts fondling me. Telling me he's gonna take care of me, this and that.
Why did he do this?
Because I am disabled. Because he felt entitled to go after me because I am less likely (he thought) to fight back. Because to him, I looked 'helpless'.
Because he wanted to.
You can't tell me, 'don't be disabled in public', even though I've actually been confronted with anger about that. 'Don't hold up the line while the meat guy chops the chicken up for you.' 'Don't hold the bus up because the driver needs to strap you down.' 'Don't block my way with your wheelchair.' 'Don't make me stumble over you because your head is at elbow height and I had mine in my phone.'
But why's it ok to tell a woman, 'don't be drunk in public.' 'Don't do drugs in public.' 'Don't wear this--' (Even though many assaults are done to people who dress unsexy.) 'Don't do that--'
'Oh, but she can CHOOSE to be drunk, you can't choose to not be disabled!'
The point is that the standard for preventing rapes is put on the victim, and is generally only aimed at ONE gender. Men don't have to go through every rigamarole and behavior-policing that women do. Why? Because most men don't rape men.
What she was wearing, drinking or smoking has no business being in a discussion about rape, aside from the regrettable having to train as a goddamn ninja, if you're a woman, to be able to function in public without being violated.