@deathbird That is literally the weirdest thing I've ever heard being an insta-ban. No warning, not even a stern talking to. Just ban. Absolutely bewildering.
@deathbird That is literally the weirdest thing I've ever heard being an insta-ban. No warning, not even a stern talking to. Just ban. Absolutely bewildering.
I also want more shame & context of this ultra bizarre insta-ban because whaaaaaaaat?
@A-Meowley Likewise. That's the kind of comment that makes me want to check a place out...
The wiki is atrocious; barely usable on mobile & I can't... quite... figure out what the theme actually is? Banal semi-tropical soap opera? Why? For what reason?Having read an abundance of Florida Man stories, I'm upset 'chaotic backwater' doesn't seem to be a plot point to Wildfire Cove - a place which, judging from the name, surely has exorbitant insurance premiums.
@A-Meowley said in Bloopers:
The wiki is atrocious; barely usable on mobile
Y'know what does work great on mobile? The Ares web portal.
Just saying.
Not the right forum for the deets.
Suffice it to say, they've turned off the portal and the scenes feature. So I had a character there for a minute... and now I don't.
@krmbm ...MSB isn't or Mildly Constructive isn't? 'cause if it's the latter, the Hog Pit is just over there...
@Ninjakitten said in Bloopers:
@krmbm ...MSB isn't or Mildly Constructive isn't? 'cause if it's the latter, the Hog Pit is just over there...
Mildly Constructive isn't the right place. And I'm not sure the game is really worth dragging into the Pit. You can kinda look at the giant stop sign on the portal and take your queue from that: If you still play there, that's on you, dude.
@krmbm your reserve is admirable, even if I do still 100% desire additional deets. The place has not really stood out as anywhere interesting to play... but on the other hand, I like fantasy/supernatural games & WoD.
& seeing as I can't, uh, figure out the premise of Wildfire Cove? I'd give it a miss anyway.
...unless, it's like Fyre Festival? In the Everglades? I.e. rich kids struggling to survive in 'gator infested wetlands while freak lightning storms set swamp gas - & hearts - aflame? Please say yes.
No, goddamnit. I demand more information.
The mystery cannot stand.
The whole rant on General BBoard about things being apped or very generic post about Some People Are Doing Bad Very Vagueposting Subject is so universal. It must just be part of mushhuman nature.
It does sound like maybe they dont know how to use the features very well though. First Ares mush maybe?
But yeah, there is a reason why I personally just do not joke around when apping into a place where I don't know the folks. The chances of it being read as gentle tease vs defiance is considerably higher, esp when it sounds like they're already stressed AF, you know,
The whole rant on General BBoard about things being apped or very generic post about Some People Are Doing Bad Very Vagueposting Subject is so universal. It must just be part of mushhuman nature.
Psh, vague rants on bboards are just the MUing equivalent of that one roommate that always leaves post-it notes, or says things like "maybe we should all do x-thing-they-want-done."
I actually keep a list of these. I tend to be more of a MUDder, so the bloopers are less mischans and more just fucking everything up for everyone around me all the time forever.
List of Staff Accomplishments:
- Tried to teleport a raven mob into an air room. Instead teleported a player with "raven" in their short desc who fell from the sky and broke both her legs (fixed her but that's not the point)
- Infected like 8-9 players with a then-incurable disease by creating and then handing out a badly designed piece of candy (fixed it but that's not the point)
- Forgot to unlink a one-way exit into a very dangerous test area, trapped two players who got diseased, couldn't get out, and died (restored them but that's not the point)
- Left a massively OP staff toy on the ground that a player then picked up, didn't report, and used to kill like his entire guild (we can assume "fixed it but that's not the point" is after all of these)
- Teleported a handcuffed player into a water room where he promptly drowned because he couldn't move to save himself
- Forgot to remove bashproof on a door and seriously injured 2 players who went to bash it down in tandem some months later
- Scenes ruined by failing to look before goto-ing a room: 27
- Entire sheets ruined by trying to change my own with an inspecific keyword: 4
- Accidentally banned the game owner
I don't know why anyone lets me Staff anywhere.
@Highfalutin This has me rolling, which I needed today. Can I do that last one to the store owner of my work? Just hit me with the syntax.
@dev That last one amazed even me. It was like I could feel the sigh from across the internet.
@Highfalutin That's a hilarious list.
I sitebanned everyone from Ashes at one point. Including myself. Site admin person had to go in and fix it.
You are a harbinger of chaos. If you were weaponized, it would be a one-man mutually assured destruction.
@Highfalutin That is amazing and I'm elated to simply have read it.
This is the kind of accident we used to have in MOO all the time, too. I am now so nostalgic it itches, and I wish I remembered some of the incidents, because... omg, yes, this.
- 2 years later
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