Getting let out 4 hours early on a Christian holiday when you're not Christian.
I'm shoplifting the fuck outta this resurrection thing.
Parental Unit: "Bedtime."
Willful Child: furiously clicking on keyboard "Just one moment, I have to win this round."
Impatient Parent: What's so special about this round?
Troll Child: grinning evilly "I just called everyone 'peasants', so I have to win this one."
I'm doing well at this parenting thing, clearly.
@Pandora The more I hear, the more I am convinced your daughter is going to grow up to rule the world. I approve of this in every possible way.
@Pandora For Christmas, my sister bought me a mug that says, "Don't touch me, peasant." on it, it's the mug I use at work now.
I was in somebody's office today, so I snagged a buddy to come watch me (my personal policy for going into peoples' locked offices without them). I bend over to inspect the printer and hear a gasp and a muffled sound from behind me. I look, my coworker very delicately asks me if I'm aware I have a rip in my pants.
No, no, I was not. It is a rip alllllllllllllllllllll the way down the seam along my rear end. Errything is on display (or at least my very adorable underclothing). EEK. So I am standing like a cat outside for the first time, staring and frozen, trying to figure out how I get back to my office to get my coat to wrap it around me, and my co-worker volunteers to walk Right Behind Me to ensure NOBODY WILL SEE. So she does. I get my coat, check in with my boss, head to the closest buy-pants-store.
Everyone at the store was REALLY nice, and the lady at the dressing room was all 'come back here when you've bought it and I'll let you change here' (which is generally something that this store does not do).
Could've been a terrible, humiliating experience, it really could've been. Instead, this is a hilarious story that I get to entertain myself and others with for ages. Also, my new pants are a- super cute, and b- fit better than the old ones, and they were only $20!
@Sunny A couple of years ago I used to cycle over to my old job when the weather allowed. This being in the summer I was wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt which I'd then switch over to proper work-clothes once I got there.
Yeah, one time I forgot to take my bag with me so I had to pick how much fun my coworkers would have at my expense over it. I chose to buy a pair of pants and a t-shirt.
So one of the things that always bugged me about myself was that I didn't really feel I had sense of "style" in terms of how it related to who I was. What I put on my body was basically whatever was necessary not to get arrested and not feel exposed and conform to whatever standard my workplace required when necessary.
In the past few months, I've actually started to care. I've tried out stylist services like Dia and Stitchfix, and having recently discovered ThredUp, I am totally obsessed with it. (4 pieces of tags on/like new clothes for under $100? YES PLEASE).
I've also discovered Disneybounding, and I'm obsessed. I don't live near a park anymore, but a lot of people do it in their every day lives and I think it's amazing.
At any rate, I may have a grown up closet soon! In as much as I am a grown up.
@Rucket When Disney ruled that visiting adults were no longer allowed to cosplay in the parks, a culture of "Disneybounding" was born. Basically, folks use Disney characters, rides, even park food etc. as fashion inspiration. And yes, Marvel, Muppets, and Star Wars count. There are even unofficial "Dapper Days" where people bring their bounding A game and dress fancy.
@Cupcake Interesting, thank you. Maybe my sister might be into something like that. She loves going to Disneyland.
When you've had a couple crappy, stressful days, and your housemate offers you shrimp scampi pasta so you don't have to cook. It's the little things, most days.
Getting let out 4 hours early on a Christian holiday when you're not Christian.
I'm shoplifting the fuck outta this resurrection thing.
@Ghost said in RL things I love:
Getting let out 4 hours early on a Christian holiday when you're not Christian.
I'm shoplifting the fuck outta this resurrection thing.
@Auspice Saw a thing this morning that said the Easter Bunny is Jesus' Fursona lolol
@silverfox — best of all, the meme that got the song stuck in your head is itself the best response to complaining about getting the song stuck in your head.
This is an 'RL Thing I Love' with a taste of 'RL Thing That Gives Me Terrible Itchy Anxiety and Horror'
Some of y'all who frequent imgur may have seen the promoted posts from Mikes Hard Lemonade for their giveaway for Mother's Day, offering winners round trip visits to surprise their mom.
...I won one.
I entered because the last time I saw my mom -- the only time I've seen her in a couple years -- was a rushed two days for my grandmother's funeral. We got to talk in snippets. And she was the driving force behind convincing my dad to help pay off the rest of a small loan I'd taken out for school years ago... and when they did, her only ask had been that I get my passport so she could take me on a cruise 'someday.' She misses me. So I entered because it was a pie-in-the-sky 'My mom would appreciate it' thing.
I mean it's not like 'anyone' wins those.
...I did.
And since it's only 3 days and one of my coworkers who I only overlap 2 days of work with has said he's happy to swap days with me whenever I need a weekend off (I'm taking his old shift while he moves to Mon-Fri)... It looks totally doable.
The anxiety comes in with the fact that just last summer, my brother made death threats against me. Part of the prize package is I can accept a hotel room, so I totally will to avoid having to stay in the house where my brother is, but still. I'm really, really terrified of being around him. I miss my other two brothers (who are awesome), but I'm really uncertain about being around him.
I just have to not let the anxiety stop me from submitting the prize winning paperwork/forms on time.