@Arkandel i would be pleasantly surprised but I think you're giving the writers way too much credit
Game of Thrones
@Arkandel i would be pleasantly surprised but I think you're giving the writers way too much credit
@WildBaboons If I'm right this is George Martin's twist as well. I agree there's no way in hell they'd divert enough from the intended plot (whatever it is) to introduce it.
@WildBaboons said in Game of Thrones:
@Arkandel i would be pleasantly surprised but I think you're giving the writers way too much credit
...I think that'd be giving the budget too much credit more than anything else!
I like this theory.
***=Expounded thoughts on this possible ending.***
click to showSide note, not a spoiler, I really enjoy Euron Greyjoy's actor. I feel sort of bad for him. He picked the wrong Queen.
Well, I'm finally getting caught up so I should do a whacky prediction spoiler for the show and maybe the books too.
***=Here there be Mythical Spoilers***
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Here, self follow up for some map comparisons
***=Map of Westeros***
click to show***=Arthurian Britain***
click to showThings line up pretty well, even with a few differences. Dorne is Spain in a manor from later portions of history and marriage to the English throne. Ironborn are Vikings, around the sacking of York, the isles west of Scotland there were common winter sites for Vikings to extend their raiding times (and where Amlaib and Ivar may have raided from before establishing Dublin in a manner).
@Lotherio You got the geography right but the time period wrong. It was inspired by the Wars of the Roses.
@Lotherio Martin has said in interviews many times that the Song of Ice and Fire books began as a fantasy retelling of the War of the Roses. So you're absolutely right about it being England, though not Arthurian.
ETA: Apparently Rinel also commented on this while I had the editor window open. Oops!
Oh no, I'm well aware he continually says its inspired by War of the Roses. He usually gets in inspired be War of the Roses and flippantly tacks on 'and other stuff' or 'other fantasies'. Every so often he does get in Arthurian references, sporadically. LIke he's mentioned starting out around Bran, he sees readers comparing him to a young Arthur, so he can surprise them with Jamie chucking him out the window.
He's had a lot of inspiration and influence, and I see Arthurian legend under the surface of the War of the Roses that he says is the main influence; those influence are pretty easy to see on the surface. But the correlatives I see leads me to what I think is gonna happen. I've not had many great surprises yet going off my hunch and most characters live up to the expectations I've had. I still leave my prediction on the tables, the final battle is closer to Storm's End or somewhere betwixt Storm's End and King's Landing and it ends in chaos. I see other correlations as well, such as the Prince That Was Promised (another of his inspirations, TH White, The Once and Future King - and like the Once and Future King, the Prince That Was Promised may never come) , and lets not forget Excalibur/Lightbringer.
Here's some text to appear first in the recent post blurbs so that people are not spoiled just from browsing okay is this good okay let's go
***=Spoilers ahoy***
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Random text.
***=NSFW content***click to show -
Warning for anyone who reads this and hasn't seen the episode, avoid Yahoo News. Huge spoiler right on the front page. Unbelievable.
Is it a picture of Fonzie jumping a dragon?
Welp, the costume trend mentioned last week remains on point, I see.
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Here is some text for the post previews!! I don't want to spoil anyone!! La la la la la la
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La la la la la I hate spoiling things for people so this is a buffer to keep that from happening la.
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