May 17, 2019, 12:20 AM


Ugggggh. I am so sorry. 😞 I know your pain.

I've cancelled a good half dozen dentist appointments in the past year because of a Problem Tooth that flares up with pain and mild infection because I am downright terrified of the dentist (I had to have a tooth removed a handful of years ago and due to anemia, it ended up a dry socket.....). All I can suggest is to try to find someone to go with you as support. I don't really have anyone and every appointment I make, I end up canceling because the anxiety gets to me, but I can tell you: letting it get too bad is not a good idea.

I'm really hoping, once I have insurance again, to get myself to a dentist to get my current tooth issue resolved. So I'm talking from a sort of hypocritical standpoint here... but also the standpoint of I feel your pain. Literally. It sucks to have days of only being able to chew on one side of your mouth.

I will say this tho: dentists who can 'block' that side of your face = win. It's what I need since I'm immune to Novocaine. It super helps.