May 22, 2019, 1:26 AM

This year's example (not that I necessarily need anything special for my birthday, being in my 30s, but even so) is:

My father switched phone providers. Okay. (I'm still on their plan because even paying more-per-month to them than my line costs them is cheaper than if I carried a single-line plan for myself. So it helps them out a little with costs and I still save money.)

By doing the 'buy back' option on my phone (since it's still practically brand new from the old provider) they were able to do the BOGO to get two iPhone XRs so my SISTER can have a brand new phone, too! (she's constantly breaking her phones)

I don't need a new phone (since, again, mine was still p much brand new), I don't care about a new phone, so my opinion on this iPhone XR is a resounding 'whatever.' But my sister 'needs' one and it's a new provider. Gotta switch phones.

My dad? Literally said: 'Happy birthday, the phone we got you is arriving Wednesday!' mean the phone I got me. I paid for the phone I've been using. The one you did the buyback for. You should be telling my sister 'Happy belated extra birthday gift' (because she's also driving a brand new car). I actually had to buy a case for this phone (that I can't really afford) because I am NOT carrying an iPhone (them shits are SLIPPERY AF) without a case. I found one that I thiiiiiiiiink will do the job for $10 so I'm not out too much cash but srsly. 'Happy birthday we got you a phone' - really? Really? Just don't say anything at all for the love of god.