Fucking double shift crazy ass work day from hell with extra side helping of hormones but...bubble tea delivery makes it a little better. Especially with strawberry AND mango popping boba.
RL things I love
@Auspice I like that she is basically a "good" Mr. Sinister, who is using their extreme scientific capabilities to deal with the x-gene, but from different perspectives.
@Groth said in RL things I love:
Also LaCroix sounds seriously unhealthy, drinking pure water fucks up your salt and mineral balance, it's the kind of thing that leads to water poisoning.
I think you've gotten wires crossed somewhere. Drinking distilled water is not particularly great for you, because it lacks useful minerals. Even so, all of those minerals can be obtained by a proper diet. Water poisoning requires you to drink an obscene amount of water to overehelm your kidneys' ability to filter it. Your kidneys can filter a bit less than a liter of water an hour, so while this isn't impossible, it isn't exactly trivial.
LaCroix is just carbonated water with esters added. The biggest danger it poses is eroding tooth enamel.
When atmospheric and weather conditions are just right in the valley--tonight I get to hear a free Gipsy Kings concert by opening my windows, courtesy of one of the big name winery's concert series. Most of the time we can kind of hear it but not clearly--but tonight is awesome.
Totally anecdotal, but I'm waiting for the study that shows that sparkling/carbonated/La Croix-esque waters are addictive as fuck. I swear every person that I know who has started drinking any kind of it literally can't stop and starts feeling 'off' if they haven't had one that day. It's almost exactly the same way they describe feeling if they don't have their coffee fix.
I could never get into them because I can't stand that aftertaste that leaves me feeling more thirsty than I was before I started.
Well, if it gives you any comfort, I used to adore LaCroix and now I'm just sort of "eh" about it. I've certainly never felt off without it.
I think people sometimes forget that for those of us who are trying to lose weight, anything that is even a bad facsimile of something we like can be a big deal (e.g. halo top, which is terrible if you've had ice cream within recent memory but is amazing if you're on a diet).
For me, at least, having cold fizzy drinks that are low calorie and don't taste like aspartame is really helpful--though I've recently found a brand that has a small amount of real juice in it. That is worth the 10-20 calories.
@Rinel I'm using my little soda stream. Also I love halo
But then I am on a diet (well, intermittently fasting).
@Rinel said in RL things I love:
@Groth said in RL things I love:
Also LaCroix sounds seriously unhealthy, drinking pure water fucks up your salt and mineral balance, it's the kind of thing that leads to water poisoning.
I think you've gotten wires crossed somewhere. Drinking distilled water is not particularly great for you, because it lacks useful minerals. Even so, all of those minerals can be obtained by a proper diet. Water poisoning requires you to drink an obscene amount of water to overehelm your kidneys' ability to filter it. Your kidneys can filter a bit less than a liter of water an hour, so while this isn't impossible, it isn't exactly trivial.
LaCroix is just carbonated water with esters added. The biggest danger it poses is eroding tooth enamel.
Water intoxication doesn't require you to drink an obscene amount of water, it just requires you to drink a large amount of water without replenishing your electrolytes in a short amount of time. If you're sweating a whole bunch and drink a few liters of something as pure as LaCroix chances are you'll pass out.
@JinShei said in RL things I love:
@Rinel I'm using my little soda stream. Also I love halo
But then I am on a diet (well, intermittently fasting).
I love my soda stream. I flavor it with this and it tastes weirdly amazing:
https://www.funlight.se/products/appear/It contains both acesulfame K and aspartame but it doesn't really taste like it.
Trader Joe's (I swear I feel like an evangelist for that place sometimes) had something with a small amount of real juice in basic seltzer. I'm one of those people that for whatever reason cannot do artificial sweeteners. It's either the full sugary/syrupy version of a soda, or 0 cal seltzer without the sweetener (plain or with a flavor, the basic lemon-lime or mandarin orange has always been fine), so I gave it a shot. It wasn't bad! It's more bitter than seltzer, though I drink black coffee more than any of the above combined, so, uh, needless to say, that's not a huge issue for me!
I can deal with LaCroix but never got into getting it regularly. It's a good switchup to one of their more exotic flavors once in a blue moon, but I stick to the non-sweetened types.
That 'thirstier than when I started' is dialed up to 11 with me for all the artificial sweeteners, even in colas/etc. I'm that person that would rather have a can of 'real sugar' pepsi once a week than the artificially sweetened anything all the time.
(This is kinda what we do.) It's more like 111 with the 'zero calorie sweet seltzers'. My mother was super into them for a long time (and my husband still is), so there was a period of years in which they'd have me try 'the best thing ever totally can't tell it's artificial!' yet again and I'd have a sip then immediately fill a cup with ice and need to wash the taste out of my mouth with three ice cold glasses of basic filtered tap water.
I may be misremembering this, but I think there have been studies on some of the sweeteners and the 'thirstier than when you started drinking' factor.
@Groth said in RL things I love:
Water intoxication doesn't require you to drink an obscene amount of water, it just requires you to drink a large amount of water without replenishing your electrolytes in a short amount of time. If you're sweating a whole bunch and drink a few liters of something as pure as LaCroix chances are you'll pass out.
There's no difference between drinking LaCroix and drinking regular water in that situation, except that drinking carbonated water for hydration is dumb on account of it being more filling. The electrolytes you need to worry about depleting are sodium and potassium, and tap water isn't going to stop you from going hyponatremic or hypokalemic.
@surreality said in RL things I love:
Trader Joe's (I swear I feel like an evangelist for that place sometimes) had something with a small amount of real juice in basic seltzer. I'm one of those people that for whatever reason cannot do artificial sweeteners. It's either the full sugary/syrupy version of a soda, or 0 cal seltzer without the sweetener (plain or with a flavor, the basic lemon-lime or mandarin orange has always been fine), so I gave it a shot. It wasn't bad! It's more bitter than seltzer, though I drink black coffee more than any of the above combined, so, uh, needless to say, that's not a huge issue for me!
I am going to check this out! I've had to get mine from Fresh Market, which is what would result if people decided Whole Foods wasn't sufficiently bougie.
@Rinel said in RL things I love:
I am going to check this out! I've had to get mine from Fresh Market, which is what would result if people decided Whole Foods wasn't sufficiently bougie.
god, so fucking true.
There was a Fresh Market in SC that I stopped in a couple times (because I'd be in the shopping center for other things) and oh lawd the glares and eyeballs I'd get.
Whole Foods is pricey, but at least I can shop there without getting the stink eye (here in Austin even moreso since I don't stand out as much as I did in the southeast).
Brother in law from Mexico is taking his citizenship test today. Positive vibes out to him if you have some to spare.
@Ghost said in RL things I love:
Brother in law from Mexico is taking his citizenship test today. Positive vibes out to him if you have some to spare.
Update: so I guess I was informed that he was taking his test after he was already in his test.
He has been invited to a naturalization ceremony.
Fucking double shift crazy ass work day from hell with extra side helping of hormones but...bubble tea delivery makes it a little better. Especially with strawberry AND mango popping boba.
So today I discovered that Skate the Foundry offers adult beginner skateboarding classes and I am completely losing my shit.
I have wanted to skateboard since I was about 12, but first my parents refused to let me because it wasn't safe, then my skater boyfriend refused to teach me because he broke two vertebrae on an aerial trick (and yet then continued skating himself?), and then I just.... I don't know. Felt too old and embarrassed that I would look like an asshole just trying to stand on a board in a skate park full of teenage boys being little turds about the fat old lady who can't keep her balance.
But now I can be a fat old lady who can't keep her balance in a park full of other old ladies who can't keep their balance and it is going to be fucking awesome.
@Aria said in RL things I love:
So today I discovered that Skate the Foundry offers adult beginner skateboarding classes and I am completely losing my shit.
I have wanted to skateboard since I was about 12, but first my parents refused to let me because it wasn't safe, then my skater boyfriend refused to teach me because he broke two vertebrae on an aerial trick (and yet then continued skating himself?), and then I just.... I don't know. Felt too old and embarrassed that I would look like an asshole just trying to stand on a board in a skate park full of teenage boys being little turds about the fat old lady who can't keep her balance.
But now I can be a fat old lady who can't keep her balance in a park full of other old ladies who can't keep their balance and it is going to be fucking awesome.
That actually sounds awesome. I, too, would love to know how to skateboard... but I'm still traumatized (Ok not really but really) by the time I tried when I was like, 12, had the board fly out from under me, and got laughed at the rest of the day.
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
@Aria said in RL things I love:
So today I discovered that Skate the Foundry offers adult beginner skateboarding classes and I am completely losing my shit.
I have wanted to skateboard since I was about 12, but first my parents refused to let me because it wasn't safe, then my skater boyfriend refused to teach me because he broke two vertebrae on an aerial trick (and yet then continued skating himself?), and then I just.... I don't know. Felt too old and embarrassed that I would look like an asshole just trying to stand on a board in a skate park full of teenage boys being little turds about the fat old lady who can't keep her balance.
But now I can be a fat old lady who can't keep her balance in a park full of other old ladies who can't keep their balance and it is going to be fucking awesome.
That actually sounds awesome. I, too, would love to know how to skateboard... but I'm still traumatized (Ok not really but really) by the time I tried when I was like, 12, had the board fly out from under me, and got laughed at the rest of the day.
This was also my experience trying to learn to ride a bicycle because we lived by a highway. I wasn't allowed to ride one unless it was with parental supervision, which like most things about having kids, mine were interested for about a week and then went back to ignoring. My mom somehow got it into her head that she was going to try to make me learn when I was 16 and it was incredibly humiliating, so I refused to try again.
A work friend of mine just went to an adult bike riding class for absolute beginners that we also have in the city and said it was amazing.
I guess Philly is the place to be if you're interested in taking a class on "shit I probably should've learned when I was 8 or something and now feel stupid trying to do in public." I'm planning on going to that one when they open signups again, too. I'm told it fills up a month in advance, every time. So apparently, this is surprisingly common.
@Aria Fortunately I can ride a bike. My dad spent all of five minutes before giving up (he sent me off down a hill sans training wheels and got mad when I got hurt).
But one weekend, someone's dad was out teaching his kid and there were about three of us who also wanted to learn. So it became a group effort.
@Auspice <squints> ..... I think your dad might be my mom. Just sayin'.
@Aria said in RL things I love:
@Auspice <squints> ..... I think your dad might be my mom. Just sayin'.
I think some of us just had really hands-off/shitty parents.