To be clear, not just for TS. While I advocate for an open shared story RP style, I don't think anyone needs a sense that they are not only being recorded, but that said recording is available to unknown persons should they be negligent.
To be clear, not just for TS. While I advocate for an open shared story RP style, I don't think anyone needs a sense that they are not only being recorded, but that said recording is available to unknown persons should they be negligent.
@Misadventure Well, I spent a few moments trying to come up with a system where you essentially walk into a room and 'ask permission' to see its pose history. This could be automated (say, it's on by default on public rooms) which helps, but every other implementation makes it tricky both in from an interface point of view but also in actual usability.
For instance I walk in your room. I type something like "+poselog 10" or whatever to see what's been going on and you and @Coin both get a message asking if that's okay. You say yes. @Coin says no. What happens then? Is one person vetoing it enough for the log to remain undisclosed? What if a third person's in the room but idlying? If I can't get the poses right at first they're probably nearly useless to me later on.
And who can clear a scene? Imagine a five-person scene where one of them clears it because they need to go, but others want it there so they can log it, or for newcomers to see. What happens then?
There are all sorts of questions - the technical part of logging would need to come in last, after they are somehow resolved.
@Bobotron i wonder if that's similar to the +pot code 2k5 had.
@Arkandel said:
For instance I walk in your room. I type something like "+poselog 10" or whatever to see what's been going on and you and @Coin both get a message asking if that's okay. You say yes. @Coin says no. What happens then? Is one person vetoing it enough for the log to remain undisclosed? What if a third person's in the room but idlying? If I can't get the poses right at first they're probably nearly useless to me later on.
And who can clear a scene? Imagine a five-person scene where one of them clears it because they need to go, but others want it there so they can log it, or for newcomers to see. What happens then?
The system could record who was present to witness each emit. In that case, anyone who was there to witness can permit to repose whatever they witnessed. This is no different than the ability for players to copy-paste what they have witnessed.
Except that then defeats the purpose of calling up poses you missed due to disconnect because you weren't there for that pose. So not a good solution, unless you have it tag all the people at the beginning, which defeats using it for late players, etc, etc, on down the line...
The one I posted has log clearing in it, and I think it does exactly that level of clearing.@Shebakoby
Probably. I'm sure that they all came from similar source material. -
Why not just limit it to designated hangouts. No real expectation of privacy, and those are the places where big scenes tend to be.
That shouldn't be hard to do. Have an attr on the room; if it is set to 1, it can log. If not, it won't log. -
Why not simply log the entire game? We're over halfway there as it is.
Or just use loggers. Scene starts, someone drops the logger and turns it on.
That's more or less what we're discussing, except it's stored and used globally rather than individual objects. Though that's a thought; a command that drops an object in the room that logs it until dismissed, that way it's obvious in the room contents that there's a logger going on. -
@Bobotron It gets around a lot of the paranoia of being spied on and logged without wanting to be logged.
@Bobotron said:
That's more or less what we're discussing, except it's stored and used globally rather than individual objects. Though that's a thought; a command that drops an object in the room that logs it until dismissed, that way it's obvious in the room contents that there's a logger going on. Pose Logger.txt
This is the system that The Reach/Fallcoast uses for their OOC room. It's not pretty, but it works quite well.
edit: Except for the attributes starting
, et al. Those should absolutely be changed to&.header
(et al.) instead. -
@Arkandel said:
To avoid TS-related mishaps I'd say definitely clear the log as soon as a room is vacant, time it out if an hour has passed since the last pose, etc etc.
On WindyCity Whirlwind had coded up the places code to grab snippits of things posed in them. So that people with post cognition merits would get them at random intervals based on gamewide activity, and would see things that had taken places in public places, right?
People TS'd in bars, dinners, and nightclubs via places code often. So if you had post cognition, wherein a public place, and the grid was active that night you'd have a fairly good chance of getting someone's TS scene suddenly shunted at you via your post cognition ability.
Whirlwind eventually had to turn the code off because people got tired of seeing TS.
@Whirlwind, but he was a good example for me of: 'I can code this, but should I code this'.
This is where a summary would be better.
@Thenomain said:
Why not simply log the entire game? We're over halfway there as it is.
I do, but I'm hesitant to try and build a mechanism to scrape the pcaps and push them into the game on demand.
@Sponge said:
@Thenomain said:
Why not simply log the entire game? We're over halfway there as it is.
I do, but I'm hesitant to try and build a mechanism to scrape the pcaps and push them into the game on demand.
Why? That's what people are asking for. If you mean for security reasons, then build better security, security considerations that would need to be made regardless of the system you would end up using.
You wouldn't even need to scrape. @ahear on the master room and boom, game-wide listening. I'm not a fan of soft-code extensions to hard-coded functions, but what could possibly go wrong using a system that can retrieve poses in a room you weren't in when they were being made, like Pose Order Tracker? A system that will have to be always-running to be effective as this kind of tool?
On the flip side of this, it's possible to create rooms with locks. If you wanna do something so very private that no one else can know about it ever (and good luck with that on a MU anyway), then go to a room locked to you and only invite people in that you plan on doing secret things with. OR, do them in a temproom, which would theoretically make recalling the poses there impossible once its destroyed.
Just because people can pull up poses in a room doesn't necessarily make it The Devil. Players have some actions they can take to be accountable for themselves as well, and make it difficult to get things that they deem should be private without elevated permissions. And if those are the people you're worried about, then it's my understanding that ways of doing this already exist without a softcoded system in place.
YMMV, but damn, sometimes the paranoia is kind of laughable.
And if you REALLY want to be safe from the code, go into a private room with a locked exit, create an item then enter the item and RP there. Now that's paranoia.
Seems easier to just log onto one of the many private MU*s, and not worry about it.
But then you have no +pose recall.