Dec 8, 2019, 2:50 PM

@Pandora said in Personal Agency for Personal Boundaries:

Ah, that's unfortunate. This is meant to inform the other player that your IC boundaries have been violated and that you no longer wish for the scene to continue.

Wait, you are talking about your character's boundaries being violated?

No offense but... suck it up cupcake.

Unfair, and decidedly not nice things happen in life all the time. I get it if you are upset that your OOC boundaries are being pushed too far like some people feel about rape scenes or child abuse or whatever but your character shouldn't get any say in how things play out OOCly.

If bad shit is happening to your character they don't get to call a divine time-out while they process their feelings. That's not how life works for anyone.

Canceling a scene because you don't want your character to get upset is just rude. You've wasted everyone's time up until that point if you want to retcon a scene in order to keep your character in pristine, mint condition.

If you want nothing bad to ever happen to them then leave them in the box and don't play with them.

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