@Jynxbox Its fine. I can see where someone who is in the industry might be super sensitive to the subject. Not that its cool to completely dismiss someone's completely objective opinion, but I can understand where it might be coming from. Its probably the reason that I'm critical of the dancing on the show. I danced. Up until the coronavirus I danced about three times a week. I met my wife dancing. She still teaches dance. She choreographs her own stuff. So my opinion is informed by my own experience too. I get it.
But I also get when @Seamus sees it as part of the charm. Even if I don't agree, I can see where that is coming from. And it is awesome that it made the experience better for someone else even if it ruined it for me.
What I think is cool is that even with completely differing ideas about the dancing and singing itself, most everyone commenting so far has still liked the show. Hopefully it comes back for a second season, but if it didn't, I would understand that too. And I'd pray another company picks up the rights and keeps it going.