@Auspice The general is my favorite character in like ever. I want to bear her children.
Good TV
Just a reminder that Avatar: The Last Airbender is on Netflix now and god it's such a comfort show.
same with Dragon Prince.
Hell, even more with Dragon Prince.Same creators as Avatar, but without the limitations. It has so so much representation in it that it fills me with joy every time I watch it.
@Auspice The general is my favorite character in like ever. I want to bear her children.
My husband binged avatar and I binged Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.
I'm okay with these decisions.
GB Sewing Bee! My happy place.
I just found The Titan Games on Netflix and I'm pleasantly surprised. It has some pretty inventive and intense competitions.
There's a second season of Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. Time to find out if it's as enjoyable as the first one.
This just tickles me. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S1-Isa_kS34
The Order was not good TV really, even in the first season. The second just dropped, however, and...
...the 'as themselves' are killing me. I don't care if the rest is hot garbage, they made me laugh so hard it's worth it.
@surreality said in Good TV:
The Order was not good TV really, even in the first season. The second just dropped, however, and...
...the 'as themselves' are killing me. I don't care if the rest is hot garbage, they made me laugh so hard it's worth it.
I honestly and truly just enjoy the show. I mean, the acting is bad (but all the acting in those shows is bad) and the plot is kind of basic (but all the plots in those shows are kind of basic) and the worldbuilding is pretty good aside from that.
I mean, two things really annoyed me but they kinda-sorta fixed one and the other seems like it's gonna be an interesting future plot-device, so!
@Coin I enjoy it, too, I just know it's definitely in that 'guilty pleasures' category with all the similar shows on CW.
@surreality said in Good TV:
@Coin I enjoy it, too, I just know it's definitely in that 'guilty pleasures' category with all the similar shows on CW.
I don't know, man.
I think the 10-episode structure and the way it's definitely plotted to make each episode more leading into the next plot-wise (plus, a scarcity of superfluous sideplots as a result) make it a lot better than, say, The Originals or The Vampire Diaries.
Plus, I maintain that those werewolves are still so fucking original.
@surreality said in Good TV:
@Coin I enjoy it, too, I just know it's definitely in that 'guilty pleasures' category with all the similar shows on CW.
I don't know, man.
I think the 10-episode structure and the way it's definitely plotted to make each episode more leading into the next plot-wise (plus, a scarcity of superfluous sideplots as a result) make it a lot better than, say, The Originals or The Vampire Diaries.
Plus, I maintain that those werewolves are still so fucking original.
I mean honestly just comparing it to the season of Vikings I'm watching it was nice to have episodes concentrate on two things instead of four different political plotlines.
Thus far, liking the Snowpiercer series. They do not seem to have spared the budget on this one. Same for the new Penny Dreadful.
Well-timed for both, too. The core issues in these two may have rung a bit hollow to the audience-in-a-comfort-bubble before we were, well, all living in bubbles more literally and the world exploded in ways that were impossible to ignore.
I'm sort of stuck on season 2 of Korra. It's not bad. I actually like the characters in some ways more than in ATLA; I outright prefer Korra to Aang, and Bolin's general silliness is a relieving replacement to Sokka's near-constant (yet somehow usually endearing) inanity. It just feels... idk, less focused? I know it had a rough development history. ATLA is a solid 10/10, and season 1 of Korra was an 8 or a 9. Season 2 is more of a 7.
I think it's that they aren't giving the characters space to breathe. ATLA was full of characterization, which made it "slow" at times but made you care about the characters! I haven't seen a "Tales of Ba Sing Se" yet in Korra.
Also I binged ATLA in two weeks so maybe I'm just TVd out for now.
@Rinel Korra is definitely very different, and I feel like it almost suffers in comparison if you move to it right from the high of ATLA. Season 2 is definitely its rockiest point, though; 3 and 4 move into an upswing.
@Roz yeah tbh anything suffers when compared to ATLA.
I'm sort of stuck on season 2 of Korra. It's not bad. I actually like the characters in some ways more than in ATLA; I outright prefer Korra to Aang, and Bolin's general silliness is a relieving replacement to Sokka's near-constant (yet somehow usually endearing) inanity. It just feels... idk, less focused? I know it had a rough development history. ATLA is a solid 10/10, and season 1 of Korra was an 8 or a 9. Season 2 is more of a 7.
I think it's that they aren't giving the characters space to breathe. ATLA was full of characterization, which made it "slow" at times but made you care about the characters! I haven't seen a "Tales of Ba Sing Se" yet in Korra.
Also I binged ATLA in two weeks so maybe I'm just TVd out for now.
Korra S2 is also "the bad season", except for the... uh ... two specific episodes that I won't tell you about but that are very cool especially when it comes to worldbuilding.
I say "bad season" because a lot of people hated it but I just thought it was kind of weak in a lot of respects, but not, like, horrible.
@Kanye-Qwest said in Good TV:
@Roz yeah tbh anything suffers when compared to ATLA.
tru tru
I do love Korra, and I'm gonna do a rewatch, but they definitely didn't have their footing as firm from the getgo like they did with ATLA. And tonally it's really different, so if you go into LOK expecting more of ATLA, you're just set up for disappointment. A little distance helps, I think, in just letting those expectations relax.