I got accused of being the worst racist in all of Evanston, IL because I tried to share a Zinn Foundation post to our school district's FB page, and didn't realize that sharing from the app means that it doesn't copy over the text of the original post, and only shared my snarky commentary and a badly-centered image of a newspaper from 1834.
All I wanted to do was show how even the UK, arguably one of the top three cruelest colonial powers in history still managed to abolish slavery a full thirty-one years before the United States managed to.
Nothing like a steady stream of woke white women flooding your inbox with demands for apologies and 'reflecting upon and fixing the pain (I) caused' and failing to accept that it was a technical error and I had no idea that the text for the post hadn't even transferred over when I did it.
And, yes, I apologized and owned the fact that my snark was egregious and gave them the hairshirt-and-flagellation they demanded...then left the group. And every other local civic group. And the one I was in trying to help promote a less Eurocentric history being taught in the schools. Because it was clear that these women never really respected any of the anti-racist and pro-equity posts I'd been making for the past six years given the way they turned on me on a fucking dime like that. Especially since nobody bothered to ask me if it was a fluke, save for a group moderator. Of course, all the admins and moderators of that page are such because I hand-selected them to ensure that minority voices were being centered and heard, as they were often the ones being shut out of conversations, historically, there, by the old guard of the group.
I get it, though...it makes them all look that much better, and their purely performative anti-racism that much more attention-worthy and shiny. But it still hurt like fuck to experience all this vitriol due to a goddamn technicality. On the upside, my pain and tears led to homemade pie and weed candy to self-medicate the hurt a bit.
Oh...and when the moderator who checked in on me reposted the text of the article in question, all these hypocritical cows loved it.