I take medication that helps me stay alive since honestly I am still dealing with the psychological fallout from last april/March where I lost so many clients and then dealing with the aftermath of having to field a ton of suicidal and other distressed people through the end of the PPP applications.
I cope by putting one foot in front of the other to not put a burden on my children. I quit my high stress job for one that pays the insurance bills but has virtually no stress associated with it. It is in an industry that is just below nursing homes and health care as far as covid outbreaks associated with employment, where no one gets PTO or sick leave, but I'll be honest and say after working this whole time and having lost count of the potential exposures in that time period I guess I'm not super scared of getting it and biting it, if it happens it happens, I do go out of my way to protect others from exposure to me though.
I watch bits and pieces of documentaries, i play with babies and under 18 month olds at work, I try to RP now and then if I think people actually want to be around me, I sleep a lot. I take vitamins. I send my college kid care packages and harass my twin high school seniors to get them through graduation and college admission. When its hard to deal with the pain from my newly diagnosed inflammatory disease I take a dropper of my cbd/thc tincture and thank the voters that I live in a state that's legal (I have declined the medications for my disease as they're immunosuppressive).
But mostly it is just putting one foot in front of the other, not subjecting other people to me unless I know that it's wanted, and watching stupid and/or funny you tube and other videos (thanks to Carytid's funny suggestion at the beginning of this fucking thing I am now super addicted to Karen videos since I no longer have to deal with them at work). And boring thc/cbd tinctures since I hate any feeling of high.