Dec 17, 2020, 2:40 PM

At first, I was coping well. Thriving, even; I'm an introvert, and staying alone in my apartment was - at first - absolutely great for my mood. But as time wears on, and on, and on, it's stopped being energizing and is draining, instead.

Aside from being worried about family and friends (particularly my elderly father), I've just felt very tired. It's hard to motivate myself for work, or even for play. I've been downloading/reinstalling various games - most of which I will play for a day, maybe two, before wandering away from. I tried to get out and get exercise when it was warmer, but lately it's been cold, rainy, and gets dark about the time I get off work.

At this point, I'm just a lump of sad, scattered anxiety and boredom.