Dec 19, 2020, 11:26 AM

@lifebird said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:

I have very long hair for first time ever from not getting it cut all year. Every so often it falls into my peripheral vision and scares the shit out of me.

I hate it when my hair is long.

Once upon a time it was down to my waist. It was such a joy when I got it cut. Now I can tie almost all of it back, and I hate it. It's thick and wavy and tangles in a heartbeat. It gets in my eyes, my mouth, my way, everything. It takes hours to dry and it's just an all-around nuisance. The only thing that's cheering me up about my hair is that as I get older I'm going from dark bronze to an overall auburn, with silver and gold threads and a very few pure copper. That bit I love.

But it's still a bloody nuisance, and I'm seriously considering just shaving it all off, if we're looking at a lockdown into February. I wanted to shave it off in March, but that got veto'd because someone didn't believe my guesstimate of when I'd have to go out of the house to work again, and to be fair they're the one who has to look at it.