I am trying to find a place and amicably split from my roommates, since they're planning on getting married, etc.
I love the area I live in, I like the apartment layout. A friend of mine who got a job here in my city needs to find a place, but she's hours away, and well, Covid.
My complex, where I've lived coming up on 2 years, won't rent a place to me, because she and I do not make 4 times the rent. I don't mean the two of us together. I mean each of us, separately.
We'd have to make over 80k, combined, to live here. Though my credit is LOADS better than when we got the place originally, and I make more than I did then.
They have empty units that I can SEE from my window. They're not being refurbed or anything, which means no one is moving in anytime soon. So like... WTF?