Jun 4, 2021, 2:19 PM

@aria said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:

It is an utterly thankless job where you receive very little praise, if any, when you do an amazing job but man, do you hear it when you screw up. And also, your job is super critical to the basic functioning of the highest levels of management, but most people are going to talk to you like it's a miracle you can do more than schedule a meeting and order catering.

I've gotten this a few times as a paralegal. There are attorneys who understand what I do, and how important it is to the functioning of whatever firm or agency I'm working for at the time.

And then there are those assholes who think that I'm there because I'm obligated to be there, and they could totally do it without me if needed so it's fine if they are completely terrible.

The team I work for right now has been 99.97% great with one uncomfortable encounter with a supervisor that didn't understand how much my responsibilities have ballooned as a result of the pandemic, so I'll take it.



I have not found a bow setup that I like. They're great for upper body work in a dynamic range but I also do a lot of squats and military presses and such and by the time I figure out a bow setup that works for all of that it takes up just as much space and ends up being more expensive. πŸ˜•