Unrelated: being up until 3 AM with a stomach ache sucks.
Serves me right for drinking so much bourbon.
But it was Angels' Envy.
I'm going to push back on this. You started the medication because you were experiencing anxiety and couldn't function properly, right? So it has helped your brain regulate on a normal level. You could call it an addiction I guess, but there is so much negative stigma around that word and so much good psychiatric medication could do that I cringe at the association of properly taken medication to an addiction. There is enough stigma around mental health i hate to add this to the mix.
With all respect, I don't feel the need to split hairs about it, and don't wish to, so I won't.
That is absolutely okay.
@solstice I would encourage you to read the whole of my statements. That the larger, more dominant part of my brain DOES empathize. And that the smaller, what you call judgey-judgey voice in my head, is of childhood bullshit heaped on me by shitty parenting.
I know, a little too well, how people can't quit things that are literally killing them. My father had COPD, and was in and out of the hospital the last 3 years of his life, and the fucker would still smoke if he could get the cigarettes. It made me angry. It STILL makes me angry. He missed out on what would have been his second grandson, and so many other things.
I am fortunate in that my addictions are not likely to kill me, being caffeine, with other far lesser things I can't stop.
But telling me to try to empathize, when I've already stated I do, and feel for people? Really? That horse of yours is pretty high.
I understand that you intended to come off as you have related, but I read your statements too, and it definitely came off more weighted on "they deserve what they get" than I think you intended. I was actually pretty shocked to read something like I did coming from you, given how you generally conduct yourself.
@sunny Apparently saying there's one small part that says that, and the other, more dominant one doesn't and that I myself have an addiction albeit not a deadly one... and adding I'd donate if moving wasn't eating every cent I had...
And then following up saying I don't understand that one tiny part of me that's dismissive, and knowing WHY it is likely there... is apparently not clear enough.
Jesus, fucking no tone with text over the fucking internet.
I am not attacking you; I am pointing out that you were not as clear as you seem to think you were. I grok that it's not what you meant, and I'm not saying that you DID mean it that way, I am saying that as somebody who reads you through a pretty positive lens, I also saw what was mentioned. People can only read what you write, they don't read the intent behind it.
I'm not going to pick apart your words and explain why the weights of things came across like they did, but I do think it's important for you to realize that @Solstice did probably read all of the words of your post.
I didn't read it as weighted towards critical. It's as if there are people reading things for themselves.
My horse is low. There is no tone on the internet. Sorry if it came off that way. I was intending, 'Hey, I know what you mean, having had such a voice. But try to keep that voice small.'
Certainly not an attack or lording over you.
The internet sucks.
got my name changed
sent off an email changing my name with the state bar association
gonna start changing it with everything tomorrow
@rinel Great news!
Unrelated: being up until 3 AM with a stomach ache sucks.
Serves me right for drinking so much bourbon.
But it was Angels' Envy.
Yes, all caps excited.
I have not heard of this bourbon. I am intrigued.
ETA: I bought a new bourbon that I am waiting until we are all moved in to open and try, but gosh, it's hard not to open it.
@macha https://www.angelsenvy.com/
It's aged in port barrels. It's nummy.
@macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I have not heard of this bourbon. I am intrigued.
Angels' Envy has this nice gentle flavor to it. At the same time:
@ganymede I will now add this to my 'bar cart' wishlist ...not that I have a bar cart. Yet.
@macha Oooh a bar cart. Now I'm adding that and the bourbon to my new house list.