Jul 3, 2021, 2:15 AM

@arkandel I enjoyed some of the recent DC series. I enjoyed Gotham. I have enjoyed the 'arrow verse' CW series mostly. I think DC needs to focus on TV presence and somehow unify it a little more. I enjoyed Arrow, I enjoyed Flash but Legends of Tomorrow was far too campy for me, Black Lightning is good but doesn't seem sure of what to do with itself sometimes compared to say Marvel's Luke Cage series that was on netflix.

They have their own DC Universe thing to subscribe to for all series but I don't feel like subscribing just yet. I'd subscribe to a Marvel one as I enjoyed the series all around (neftlix and now disney) and how they all tied back to the MCU for a coherent live action presence.

But I've enjoyed the CW series along with the two they started on their service, Swamp Thing and Stargirl. I think they jumped to their own tv service too fast though.