@ominous D&D isn't usually played as D&D anyway.
Except that one campaign story from the 80s I guess, where the character alignments reflected how rules abusive the players were.
Like how?
I'm obsessed.
@astrid PC GAME TOMMOROW! But I lost my real-life group due to covid shutdown. It is an amazing game!
The price tag, while worth it, is a little be of a barrier to entry for Gloomhaven. I have the physical game and kind of regret getting it because we don't play it anymore cause our in person group fell apart. And it's kinda hard to restart.
But I love it. And can't wait for the computer game full release tomorrow.
Is it good? I've heard of Gloomhaven but never played it.
Is the PC version multiplayer?
We bought the smaller starter set and we've only played it once. It seems like a fun game - I think our issue personally is there's always other stuff going on. We keep saying we're going to designate a night to play...but then we don't xD
It is pricey, agreed BUT I actually am really loving it and the intro box (which I would highly recommend anyone start with) Jaws of the Lion is a LOT More affordable (I payed $60ish for it Canadian on Amazon?)
We've actually got 3 adults in my house and Gloomhaven's been a bit pass time through Covid. While Jaws of the Lion + the main box is about $200.00 I'd say we've gotten about 100 hours of entertainment out of it so far and we're still only about half way through the main gain.
@arkandel said in How is there not a Gloomhaven thread here?:
Is it good? I've heard of Gloomhaven but never played it.
Is the PC version multiplayer?
Yeah, actually, online multiplayer came out before the story mode. But the full version of the game is going to be released today at 3pm London time... So about 5hrs as of my posting this thread.
I've done the PC version for a few months with friends. If you have a group of people that will play consistently? It's a really enjoyable time. It's the full Gloomhaven experience (mostly) with ZERO of the setup time.
I have turned the graphics down to nothing and the game still runs painfully slow. A brief Google search suggests it's an issue with with nVidia graphics cards. I haven't had time to go in and limit my FPS via the graphics card which is a suggested fix. But when I find a work around I'll post an update.
@astrid said in How is there not a Gloomhaven thread here?:
Like how?
Because D&D exists and an expensive ass board game that does D&D worse than D&D is a waste of money.
@ominous D&D isn't usually played as D&D anyway.
Except that one campaign story from the 80s I guess, where the character alignments reflected how rules abusive the players were.
@ominous said in How is there not a Gloomhaven thread here?:
@astrid said in How is there not a Gloomhaven thread here?:
Like how?
Because D&D exists and an expensive ass board game that does D&D worse than D&D is a waste of money.
I mean ... Considering how many d&d products are there... Spending $100-160 once a d&d-esque boardgame that has way less in the way of rules you have to remember is probably not a waste.
@ominous said in How is there not a Gloomhaven thread here?:
Because D&D exists and an expensive ass board game that does D&D worse than D&D is a waste of money.
Why have more than one RPG!
@cobalt said in How is there not a Gloomhaven thread here?:
I mean ... Considering how many d&d products are there... Spending $100-160 once a d&d-esque boardgame that has way less in the way of rules you have to remember is probably not a waste.
Here's the free Goblin Laws of Gaming (GLOG) by Goblin Punch's Arnold K. It's rules are 10 pages long. Character classes are not included as OSR tends to be DIY in its orientation: http://goblinpunch.blogspot.com/2016/05/the-glog.html
Here's the free updated and what many people consider to be the definitive version of the GLOG, called Rat on a Stick, by Skerples of Coins and Scrolls. The base rules are 13 pages; though, there are more pages for fluff and for character classes: https://coinsandscrolls.blogspot.com/2018/01/osr-glog-based-homebrew-v01-rat-on.html
Swords & Wizardry for $1.00: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/86546/Swords-and-Wizardry-Complete-Rule-Book
Labyrinth Lord for free: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/64331/Labyrinth-Lord-Revised-Edition-noart-version
Good ol' OSRIC, which arguably started the OSR, also free: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/111392/OSRIC-Pocket-SRD-PDF
Basic Fantasy RPG, which was my gateway to the OSR, as I needed a free D&D to run suddenly for some friends who wanted to know what D&D was about when I didn't have any of my books. Also free: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/140455/Basic-Fantasy-RPG-3rd-Edition
Delving Deeper, yet again free: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/112432/Delving-Deeper-Ref-Rules-v2-The-Adventurers-Handbook
Lamentations of the Flame Princess for people who like their RPGs to cost $0 and be as edgy as possible: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/115059/LotFP-Rules--Magic-Free-Version
And on and on it goes here: https://www.tenkarstavern.com/p/f.html (46 different free or close to free retroclones listed)
And here are some of the same ones mentioned as well as ones that aren't free but are awesome: http://taxidermicowlbear.weebly.com/dd-retroclones.html (217 different retroclones of various expense sorted by which edition or which retroclone they are derived from)
Also, I like Knave for $2.99, and Errant, which is like $30.00 but is being made by a trans woman. I don't think either is listed on those two sites, so they get a shout-out here.
So, yes, with all these free, cheap, and not cheap but awesomely designed D&D retroclones, it is a waste to spend $100-$160 on a board game that doesn't come with the infinite agency that pen & paper has. I play board games to play board games, not to play D&D or D&D-lite. I have plenty of free ways to do that if I want that.
@ominous Ok? That's you. My partner has terrible ADHD and, honestly, probably dyslexia. I tried to get him into playing D&D but he finds that there is too much reading for his comfort involved. He was, however, very enthusiastic about Gloomhaven. He loves it.
There's still a lot of reading involved but I do most of the thematic/event reading. And he just keeps track of what his cards do. He's even more enthusiastic about the video game.
Which has, mysteriously, fixed itself. No more lag issues after the very first attempts at playing.
@cobalt said in How is there not a Gloomhaven thread here?:
@ominous Ok? That's you. My partner has terrible ADHD and, honestly, probably dyslexia. I tried to get him into playing D&D but he finds that there is too much reading for his comfort involved. He was, however, very enthusiastic about Gloomhaven. He loves it.
Hey that's great! I'm glad you found something that works for you.
Might I recommend Free Kriegsspiel. No rules to read, no complicated mechanics, just a group, whatever rules they come up with, some dice for any needed randomized resolution, maybe a table or two to refer to, and an umpire: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2500148/ancient-roleplaying-or-free-kriegsspiel-revolution.
I mean, she said that they're enjoying Gloomhaven and it works for them? I'm not sure what your issue with it is, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying a paid product. You're coming across as weirdly aggressive about peoples' enjoyment of a game.
I wish I had a group for Gloomhaven because I keep hearing good things about it.
My first two comments were aggressive, because I am sick of the asshole Gloomhaven fanboys I have had to deal with, and I would burn all copies of it in a giant bonfire that would shame the wildfires of California and some smaller volcanoes, if I could, just to spite the fuckers.
The third comment was sincere and a suggestion for something that might work for @Cobalt's group, if she's interested. If not, that's fine too.
If it bothers you that much maybe a constructive Gloomhaven thread could be something you choose to put on ignore. Nobody here was being an asshole fanboy.