Jan 28, 2024, 8:02 PM

@Hella said in The Case Against Real PBs:

I still don't know where I fall on the issue but it was helpful to read the various stances posed here.

So I guess my hot take is as follows:

Real talk? It’s not an issue. Or it’s only as much an issue as, say, “the use of electricity is bad for the planet” is an issue. You can talk about ethical considerations until the end of time and possible ethical ramifications, alternatives, etc, but to what end? It’s already so ingrained into the culture as to be normalized, almost necessary for many of us, so all of this is academic at best.

It’s not going to change. Nobody but a very vocal minority wants it to change. It’s not a conversation that’s going to do anything but stoke tempers and make people look like wacky inflatable arm flaily tube men.

It’s a thing and it always will be, forever and ever, amen. No use in fighting it.