@The-Tree-of-Woe said:
Forgive my interjection, but.
Fallout 4's real problem is that it was made for a more dedicated type of gamer. The kind of gamer who posts five page long rants when someone says "this game is really hard. Why this game so hard?" that attack your dedication to gaming, your intellect, and your sexual prowess.
First off, the game's tutorials are basic as fuuuuuuuuuuck. Apparently there are extensive help-files buried in the PC version of the game. Those don't exist if you got it for console, and double-don't exist if you bought the digital version (ahem). And all the tutorials I've found on the internet to date have been kind of shit, because see above.
Second, locations are no longer geared to character level. Difficulty increases the further East and especially South you go. You are not given a meaningful warning about this but you are given quests that send you into Super Mutant Suicider territory while you're still carrying a BB gun and uncustomized wet toilet paper armor.
Do I still like the game? Absolutely I did. But casual it is not.
Lies... I'm a casual gamer and that game was easy to learn. Where's the hard part? And spoiler alert... If you shoot the nuke in the suicide mutant's hand he dies before he gets to you while usually killing all his friends... JUST SAYING.