@Apos said:
@Sammi Every scene in public rooms would be open in some games, to make it not open would be a break of the game culture and incredibly rude, since you are forcing everyone else to conform to your own sandbox, ie being very entitled and imposing upon everyone else on the game. In that environment of course individuals would rp immediately, since being in public rooms is an actual advertisement and invitation to RP.
I really think you are confusing distinct and different gaming cultures with entitlement. Speaking to someone oocly would be flat out rude, since you are destroying the mood of their scene by doing so, much in the same way spamming people with ooc chatter in an intense scene would be on most games.
Like I said, I don't believe that it should be treated as a matter of taste. I don't care if there are some games where someone coming into a scene gets treated like royalty. Any game where people in an ongoing scene are not permitted to take their scene elsewhere to preserve the narrative is doing a disservice to the people already in a scene.
In some parts of America, it's considered "polite" to lie outright. You are not permitted to give an honest answer to an honest question and if someone says, "Bless your heart," what they really mean is, "You're a fucking moron." That is a different culture, yes. Any culture that promotes dishonesty and toxicity is a bad culture, just like any culture that promotes the idea that an individual deserves to be waited on hand and foot. Some cultures believe in beating gays or mutilating vulvas or waging war for their gods. "It's another culture" is not a legitimate defense unless it can be applied to all cultures. It falls immediately if you can indicate that the other culture is harmful. I believe that Kanye's culture is mostly harmful to Kanye, hence why I was trying to explain some things about being collaborative. On the other side, while I enjoy helping people, I tire of those who exhibit learned helplessness and I feel like fully able people who need the same help repeatedly are unnecessarily burdensome.
@Kanye-Qwest said:
Are you staff on this game?
Nope, and nor am I vindictive enough to volunteer because of you. 
@Ganymede said:
Sometimes, I enter a public room where there's RP going on, and I politely state that I'll make my entering pose a couple of poses down the line. I didn't ask the existing players where I could join or not, and it is reasonable to presume that I could if the scene was taking place in a public room. If my inclusion is inappropriate or unwanted, it is reasonable to presume that the existing participants would inform me of that and take their RP elsewhere. As you will likely concur, expecting people to take private scenes in a public place to a +temproom is reasonable.
It's very reasonable (and I stated at the beginning that I believe people in a private scene should always vacate if other people want to use the public space), but all of that relies on some amount of OOC interaction even if you don't explicitly ask permission to join. When you jump in on an ongoing scene, you're going to first find out where and when the scene is taking place as well as a rough idea of the background activity. Often, the next participant in the queue will bulk up their existing pose in order to provide a set for the newcomer. All of those things that make for a collaborative experience fall under OOC communication, which Kanye posited is negative (since people take it personally).
I think you may be taking Kanye's comments too literally.
This may be, but Kanye has yet to make any attempt to revise or clarify their statements. They have called me a bitch multiple times. That sort of rejoinder is consistent with my reading of Kanye's statements as an indicator of personality and social expectations. When I make a reasoned and civil criticism and the result is being sworn at, I am disinclined to question my initial reading.