Mar 18, 2016, 5:57 PM

@Sammi said:

Like this. Obviously, I'm not saying you're entitled for stating your preferences. I'm saying that your preferences indicate an intense sense of entitlement. I'm saying that what you do when you walk into a room where people are RPing is just think about yourself and then get upset when people don't bend over backwards to accommodate you.

How is that entitled and expecting the entire game and the rest of the player base to conform around your sandbox not entitled? Plenty of games have the expectation that public rp be accessible and scene sets conform to a universally accessible paradigm because of that. IE, saying, 'X scene is going on at Y' precludes anything else that anyone else might want to do, and staking claim on it in a sandbox edges out any other approach. Doesn't work in non-sandboxes at all. Just saying your way of doing things is a game culture thing and treating it as selfish or non-selfish is weird.