Apr 3, 2016, 11:40 PM

@Thenomain said:

Double post, to nerd over data storage:

@Groth said:

I advice using SQL for logging purposes.

I advise only using SQL for logging purposes if your coder can easily handle it. As the information is only important for that character bit, then keeping it on the character is fine, especially if you only need to keep information about the most recent event. If you want to keep a deeper log, then believe it or not MUX has a way to log to and read from an arbitrary text file. Use this as a NoSQL setup, or as a way to collect information until you can create a proper SQL schema.

There's a lot of things you can store in MU* fields or text files, but once you start caring about things like timestamps your life just becomes so much easier if you store the information in some sort of table imo*. Once you've stored the logging in a relational table it also becomes really easy to ask queries like "Which are the last X pools that Y fed from? Which people fed from X pool in November? Which month did X and Y feed from the same pool?" etc if you ever care to do so.

*Yes I know you can store those tables in text files if you care to do so.